Saturday was THE PERFECT fall day here in J-town. Sunny, warm, no humidity, a great day to head to the local Pumpkin Farm with TOF and Augie Dawg.
Look at the colors on that tree! God's little gift to us Midwesterners before he zaps us with below zero temps and 10 feet of snow and ice.
A little afternoon concert. The Rolling Bones I think was the name of this delightful band. You can see Keith up front and Charlie is hidden behind him. Mick in the center and Ronnie on the right.
My little anal retentive TOF. Where does he get THAT from? Picking up the pumpkins and rearranging them. "Bedder Mema?" "Better TOF!"

A stop at the growth chart, so that we can compare with previous visits. That boy is way past knee high.

See! Told ya. So is the corn. TOF had a blast running through the corn maze. "Dat way, Mema!"

Checking the schedule for the PIG RACES.

And they're off!

Pumpkins as far as the eye can see. And a partial wardrobe change for TOF as temps reached 80 degrees. You can see his little wheels turning. He took off with lightening speed and played a little game of PUMPKIN TIPPING.

Those of you familiar with COW TIPPING, this is the same concept on a smaller more humane level. No pumpkins were harmed in the process.
Remember the TRIP TO THE ZOO? Where all we heard was "bridge broken" and "Mema broke bridge" Well thankfully we're over that. It's been replaced by "Mahser puke garbage can. Blehhhhhh"

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I LOVE your pics! TOF is adorable and you ended this poist perfectly! My fav pic is of him in his white shirt staring at al of the pumpkins before he went tipping!!! The tree at the beginning is absolutely gorgeous but just doesn't compare to your TOF!
What great pictures! We're getting alot of that same changing of the leaves here in Ohio...
MUTHA! I did it again. Can someone, anyone, please help me get my sidebar back where it belongs? Instead of all the way ont he bottom. I'm done messing for now, before I do more serious damage. HELPPPPP!!!!
What a beautiful fun day! :-D
You did a fantastice job capturing this day in pictures! I love this time of year, simple joy to all the senses! We spent yesterday at my daughter's and she baked some Apple Crisp...oh my! Smelled lucious and tasted super yummy! Tuesday we are going to take a Foliage Train Ride through western Maryland, I can't wait to see all the vibrant colors!
~AirmanMom returning to her blog...
It is beautiful there! I love the shot of the tree and the pumpkin patch. It doesn't look like that here in Texas yet. Simply gorgeous! Thanks for coming by and introducing yourself! :)
Looks like a wonderful day! We are having unseasonably warm temps here in CT too....
Thanks for stopping by!! I have to say the favorite part is the awesome way the tree was changing colors. I love red.
Don't you love fall? :) I love the trees! Great pics!
It doesn't feel much like fall around here. It was 75 degrees this morning and reached a high of 88 degrees this afternoon.
I'm ready for some cold weather.
How fun is that?! I wish we had a cool pumpkin patch like that... we've never been to one at all, so even if we do have a cool one I don't know how to get there.... Thanks for sharing your fun pictures with us!
Ya cant tell me that little boy wasnt spit right outta his grampa's mouth.....checking out the race schedule!!! love him! Love those baggy arse pants too!
Kisses to him...big kisses.
Great Pictures!
so NO ONE knows how to fix the columns?? dang :o/
Looks like such a great time! I loved the photos!
Have a good week - Kellan
Great pictures. Thanks for stopping by my blog and welcoming me into SSS - it's going to be fun!
The perfect day to visit a pumpkin patch. Glad you had a great time!
We saw that same exact mechanical puking guy at a haunted house this weekend. While our attention was distracted watching him puke, a monster jumped out and scared us from behind. Now I'm like your little one - it's all I can talk about too ;-)
Your pumpkin patch/farm looks so much better than ours. It seems to be HUGE! We just went to Calloways here in the city where they had a small setup for the kids to enjoy. Miss the country :(
Thx for the welcome to SSS, I am excited!
What gorgeous pics :-) We had that weather yesterday (not so much today ;-) My kids love the pumpkin patch too.
It sounds like it was a glorious day - and I believe that may actually be the Rolling Stones....
It sounds like it was a glorious day - and I believe that may actually be the Rolling Stones....
Oh my gosh, looks like so much fun! Great photos.
Those pics are to cute...i am still tryin to get use to the new look....did you approve this through me? do you know it throws me alllll kindsa off when i come here and I think i am someplae else??? ok i still need a minute I still love you tho....just adjusting
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