Friday, February 26, 2010

Storage Solutions

Cosmetics taking over your medicine cabinet? These smart solutions at MagnaPods will help you tame all that clutter.

MagnaPods are small magnetic storage units that can stick to the inside of your medicine cabinet or any steel surface such as tool boxes, refrigerators or file cabinets. They are movable and adjustable, taking advantage of unused space. Organize your make-up brushes, eyeliners, lip glosses, tiny screws, nuts, bolts or a pen and notepad.

MagnaPods has generously offered to send ONE reader a MagnaPod cosmetic organizer and a MagnaPod toothbrush holder. To enter please leave a comment, including your email so I can contact you. I'll select a winner using on Tuesday March 3rd.

Unfortunately, my medicine cabinet doesn't have a steel surface, so I did what any good mother would do. I gave the MagnaPods to GlitterGurl. Now at least a small portion of her life will be more organized.

~ Disclaimer ~
I received one set of MagnaPod organizers for myself and MagnaPod will send one set to a reader of this blog. I received no other compensation in exchange for this post.
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Thursday, February 25, 2010

You Capture - Shapes

This is an all new low for me, but if nothing else, I blog with integrity and honesty. I certainly don't want you thinking, "My gawd that Megryansmom is like Super Woman. Her You Capture photos always portray such perfection on The Avenue!" Nope, no Super Woman here.

So in the spirit of keeping it real, I'd like to share my version of this week's You Capture - Shapes

This is my SQUARE stovetop, after cooking several gallons of red sauce for the Spider-Man Mostaccioli served at TOF's birthday party.

Up closer, you can see some circles and a couple of hexagons,
some free style burnt on stains and of course the Simple Green bubbles
hard at work dissolving this mess.

You can almost hear those scrubbing bubbles.

The after, just so you don't stay all skeeved out.

Thanks for stopping by, be sure you check out all the other SHAPES today.

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Thursday, February 18, 2010

You Capture - Kisses

Beth, Beth, Beth, this week was truly a challenge!



It's the best I could do! Man, I thought You Capture - Work was hard, that was easy peasy compared to You Capture - Kisses. First of all I was completely out of Kisses. None in the house at all, not one. I even tried calling Augie Dawgs to see if she had any. Nope.

So I had to haul myself to the store to grab a bag and luckily, I just happened to have a tutu laying around for a prop.

Now excuse me while I sit back and devour this yummy bag of Kisses, good thing I didn't give up chocolate for Lent.

While I do that, please head over to Beth's to see who else captured some Kisses.


p.s. scroll down to enter my Rainbow Brite giveaway
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Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Rainbow Brite CD Giveaway

Rainbow Brite is back!

Rainbow Brite has blasted back onto the doll scene with a vibrant makeover, continuing to delight children with her empowering and imaginative adventures as she spreads her positive messages of courage, kindness, and hope.

Thanks to MomSelect and Hallmark, I'm Tickled Pink to offer a Rainbow Brite activity CD to five readers. The CD contains games, activities, and even the Rainbow Brite theme song.

The giveaway is open to US residents only.

To enter please leave a comment below telling me who you will be sharing the CD with.

That's it! I'll pick the winners on Monday, February 22nd. Don't forget to leave an email address so I can notify you.

~~ Disclaimer~~

I was provided CDs by MomSelect and Hallmark
and received no other compensation for this blog post

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Monday, February 15, 2010

Nom Nom Nom Nom

Baby Moose, today you are FIVE months old!

It's just crazy how fast the time is passing. Just one short month ago, I sat with your mommy as we waited for Dr B. to come in for your well baby check up. He glanced at your chart where the nurse had just entered your weight at a whopping 19 lbs and looked up at you and said, "How's the Moose today?" I responded by telling him that eating was NOT a problem.

It's been one month since you were introduced to solids and you are loving every bite. You started with rice cereal. Moved on to oatmeal and then mixed cereal, followed by veggies and just last week sampled some yummy fruits. I was sent some samples for both you and your big brother by Earth's Best Organic Baby Food and you've both been enjoying those.

TOF is loving the cherry Tots Cereal Bars and Organic Crunchin' Blocks. He's gone through the entire box pulling out every T O and F just so he could spell his name. Mema's happy because he is eating a wholesome snack with no artificial flavors, color or preservatives AND practicing letter recognition.

Earth's Best produces baby and toddler food with the highest degree of attention to quality and safety. Each ingredient is tested for pesticides and potentially harmful residues. For more information on the complete line of Earth’s Best organic infant formula and foods for babies and toddlers and new Earth’s Best TenderCare diapers and wipes, including where to purchase, log onto

Click here to print some coupons for Earth's Best.


I was sent samples of Earth's Best baby and toddler food to try, in exchange for this blog post, the review above is genuine, because trust me, if the kid don't like it, the kid don't eat it!

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Friday, February 12, 2010

Don't Hate Me Because I'm Beautiful

Oh yeah! I'm beautiful! The Improbable Housewife said so! I haven't done awards in forever, but this one, this one is special, because, well, it says I'm beautiful and dang when someone tells me I'm beautiful I'm going to eat that up three times a day for a week.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

The rules of the game:

1. Thank and link to the person that gave you the award.
2. Pass this award on to 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and whom you think are fantastic.
3. Contact said Blogs and let them know they've won
4. State 7 things about yourself

Now I'm going to cheat a little bit, because I don't want to put anyone on the spot and force them to accept an award and then have to blog about it and be all resentful and whisper mean stuff behind my back. So if you want this award and think you're beautiful, leave me a comment and help yourself. A little linky love back would be very much appreciated.

But I am going to make you read the 7 things about me:

  • I have absolutely no blog fixing abilities whatsoever! See my sidebar? No you don't see it, because it's not on the side anymore! Can someone fix this? Please?
  • I need to have my sidebar fixed because it has a button on it advertising Business 2Blogger. If they don't see their button, they won't send me emails. I need to get their emails!
  • I'm very impatient, I know big surprise! But alas, it's true, I have no patience. I need my sidebar fixed NOW!
  • I tend to dwell on things. Why is my sidebar messed up? Why can't it just pop back to normal?
  • Sometimes I exaggerate. OH EM GEE, I think cyber monsters have invaded my computer and are deliberately trying to sabotage my blog. What have they done to my sidebar?
  • I often think I am funnier than I really am. Like this post for example. In my head it was funny, but now it's just annoying, kind of like that stupid sidebar that slipped to the bottom of the page.
  • I'm BEAUTIFUL! (and modest too) But I'd feel much more beautiful if I could just get that sidebar back where it belongs!

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Thursday, February 11, 2010

You Capture - Work

Once upon a little while, ( that's how Glittergurl started every fairy tale when she was little) Megryansmom had a very glamorous decent job. She wore heels and makeup every day and spoke to adults. Then Prince Charming aka Whynot came along and encouraged her to stay home with her kids, then 9 and 6 and life was good. Sixteen years later we find our Princess still living in the lap of luxury. See for yourselves.

Every morning the alarm goes off and she stumbles out of bed.

She grabs a pile of this

and dumps it in this.

She feeds Baby Moose

and sweet, sweet Bella

then she scrubs this.

Her job involves A LOT of reading.

Lately she's been having to do this,
a job that she absolutely loathes

But at the end of the day if her co-workers look like this,
it's all been worth it.

Now go visit Beth and see the work that others have captured today.


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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Business 2 Blogger

Psssst. There's a new opportunity for the little blogger (like moi) and I'm going to share it with you right here, right now.

Business 2 Blogger is a special little corner of the internet where BUSINESSES and BLOGGERS can run through fields of daisies toward each other and embrace.

Well kind of. Business 2 Blogger brings the reviews to you.

Go check it out, and sign up, it's FREE. I signed up, got an email with some offers, replied to the offers that interested me and I've already gotten one reply.

Seriously, it's like breast feeding, if I can do it anyone can.

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Post-it Note Tuesday

Stumbled upon this and said to myself, "Self, this is too friggin cute not to participate in!"

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Thursday, February 4, 2010

You Capture - Faces

I'm submitting the assignment today, but my heart just isn't in it. Because my heart is breaking for my poor sweet puppy Bella. Tuesday, she tested positive for parvo and I'm not sure she's going to make it. I had her exactly ONE month before she got sick, she turned 3 months old the same day. She is up to date on her vaccines. This wasn't supposed to happen, but it did. Twenty six months The Avenue was dogless and I was finally ready to try again. Now all I can do is cry 'why me?' and 'why Bella?' I'm sharing her dear sweet FACE with you today and if it's your thing, please, please, please say a prayer that she gets through this.

p.s. because I'm not too proud to beg, I would greatly appreciate any donations made to HART for her medical care. Just click the link above or on the widget to the right and in the comment section please put for Bella P, no amount is too small.


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