According to
The Law of Attraction you attract into your life the things you think about. Positive thinking brings about positive results. To manifest your goals you should surround yourself with positive things to achieve a positive outcome. The start of a new year is a good time to create a vision board to remind yourself of these goals.
A vision board is very easy to make, in fact you've probably made one way back in high school. Remember when you cut out words and pictures that inspired you? Same concept applies and today I'm going to show you how to make your very own Vision Board right here so that you can experience the amazing future ahead of you.
You'll need to gather some supplies:
Poster board
A very large stack of magazines
Assorted embellishments of your choice
One really amazing, happy, smiling picture of yourself
There is no right or wrong way to create this project. It's
your vision board so anything goes.
I made a list of things I want to achieve in the new year, to be a sort of guide when I looked in the magazines.
I sat down on the floor with my stack of magazines and started going through each one looking for words and pictures that made me smile. When I had a sufficient stack to work with, I started working on the actual poster board. For this project I chose to cover the board with a beautiful sparkly pink scrapbook paper. I probably should have taped the sheets together first and then wrapped the board like a present, but this was a learning experience as well. I attached the scrapbook paper to the board using double sided tape.
Right about now my back, behind and legs are killing me from sitting on the hard floor so I move the whole operation to the kitchen table.
As this will be an ever changing project, I added some embellishments I found in the scrapbook section of my local Walmart. Mostly stickers and sparkly words, and a pink refrigerator clip for the items I didn't want to glue on to the board. In my case
cash. I wanted my vision board to always have a pretty background even when I changed the pictures around.
With the background of the board looking really great, I'm ready to start adding those pictures and words I cut out. But first, in the middle of the board, I added one of my picture business cards. Because my smiling face is the center of this vision board, and all of my goals and dreams.
Some people organize their boards by themes, and others like to place pictures all over the board. You might want to leave some space to write words that you were not able to find in the magazines. I attached my pictures all over the board, some with the doubled sided tape and some with thumbtacks so I can change the pictures out when my goals change. I also attached a few small blank pieces of paper to write things on.
Add as much or as little as you want. When I felt that I was done I looked back and admired my beautiful vision board. You can see more photos
The key to a successful vision board is to post it in a place where you have to look at every day so that it can serve as a constant reminder of what you are working toward. Looking daily at your vision board will transform your life.
Feel it! Think it! Live it!
Disclaimer: This project has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Elmer's #gluenglitter #collectivebias #CBias all opinions and photographs are my own.