Thursday, December 8, 2011

Here's to More Birthdays!

Back in May, I posted about Brandie and Sue.  Brandie celebrated her 32nd birthday as a cancer patient and just yesterday I learned that Brandie is now a cancer survivor!  She'll be celebrating her 33rd birthday and many more cancer free!

Sue and her family have shared 6 more birthday cakes since her successful treatment.

In the United States, one in eight women will develop breast cancer at some time during her life. Before 2011 comes to a close, over 207,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer and over 50,000 non-invasive cases will have been diagnosed in this year alone. The disease even affects men, about 2,000 of them. Even with those scary odds, there is hope on the horizon.

What can you do?

Early diagnosis comes from monthly breast self-examinations and annual mammograms. Self-examination will make you aware of any changes in the breast. If you notice such changes, please make an appointment with your doctor.

Talk to your doctor about mammograms and other screening procedures for detection as well. These technologies can find the tiniest nodules which the most sensitive fingers can miss.

Do all you can to prevent development of the disease. Then do all you can to detect it as early as possible.

Do it for the birthday cake!

For all the Brandies and Sues...Here's to Victory!

 Disclaimer: This post is sponsored by American Cancer Society
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