Alicia- Making Time For Mom
Alison- Sassy Moms In The City
Amy- Parentsphere
Beth- The Mid Life Wife
Beth- Chicago Now
Betsy and Kristin- The Little Lifestyle File
Bonnie- ChiIL Mama
Cherise- Mom And More
Clair- Mummy Deals
Cynthia- NapWarden
Emily- West Of The Loop
Farrah- DuPage Mamas
Hope- The Year Of Hope
Hyacynth- Undercover Mother
Jen- My Crafty Life
Joelen- What’s Cookin’ Chicago?
Johanna- Momma Cuisine
Judy- Late Mommy's Blog
Kari- A Grace Full Life
Kasia- Polish Mama On The Prairie
Kat- Sassy Irish Lassie
Kelly- Kelly's Lucky You
Kim- Reluctant Renovator
Kris- Little Tech Girl
Laura- Mom Mart
Laila- Only Laila
Lisa- Hannemaniacs
Lisa- Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy!
Lisa- My Thoughts Ideas And Ramblings
Lou- LouCeeL
“Lucy”- A Modern Day Ricky and Lucy
Maria- A Savings WOW!
Melanie- My Joy My World
Melanie- tales from the crib
Melanie- She’s Write
Melisa- Suburban Scrawl
Melissa- Peanut Butter In My Hair
Michelle- Honest & Truly!
MJ- Chicagonista
Nancy- Big Tiny World
Paula- Frosted Fingers
Rita- Chi-Town Cheapskate
Sabrina- Sabby In Suburbia
Sara- Self-Made Mom
Sarah- Toddling Around Chicago
Sharon- Designs By Shay
Sidney- Hysterical Mom
Stephanie- Adventures In Babywearing
Stephanie- And Twins Make Five
Teresa- Tiaras & Tantrums
Toni- The Shopping Adventures of Cheapo McFrugalpants
Tracey- Just Another Mommy Blog
Tricia- Night Owl Mama
Zoe- Manicures and Math Class
If you are a Chicago Area Blogger and would like to be added to this list please email me at with Chicago Area Blogger list in the subject. Of course it would be wonderful if you returned the favor and added me to your Blog Roll as well.
Bonnie- ChiIL Mama
Cherise- Mom And More
Clair- Mummy Deals
Cynthia- NapWarden
Emily- West Of The Loop
Farrah- DuPage Mamas
Hope- The Year Of Hope
Hyacynth- Undercover Mother
Jen- My Crafty Life
Joelen- What’s Cookin’ Chicago?
Johanna- Momma Cuisine
Judy- Late Mommy's Blog
Kari- A Grace Full Life
Kasia- Polish Mama On The Prairie
Kat- Sassy Irish Lassie
Kelly- Kelly's Lucky You
Kim- Reluctant Renovator
Kris- Little Tech Girl
Laura- Mom Mart
Laila- Only Laila
Lisa- Hannemaniacs
Lisa- Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy!
Lisa- My Thoughts Ideas And Ramblings
Lou- LouCeeL
“Lucy”- A Modern Day Ricky and Lucy
Maria- A Savings WOW!
Melanie- My Joy My World
Melanie- tales from the crib
Melanie- She’s Write
Melisa- Suburban Scrawl
Melissa- Peanut Butter In My Hair
Michelle- Honest & Truly!
MJ- Chicagonista
Nancy- Big Tiny World
Paula- Frosted Fingers
Rita- Chi-Town Cheapskate
Sabrina- Sabby In Suburbia
Sara- Self-Made Mom
Sarah- Toddling Around Chicago
Sharon- Designs By Shay
Sidney- Hysterical Mom
Stephanie- Adventures In Babywearing
Stephanie- And Twins Make Five
Teresa- Tiaras & Tantrums
Toni- The Shopping Adventures of Cheapo McFrugalpants
Tracey- Just Another Mommy Blog
Tricia- Night Owl Mama
Zoe- Manicures and Math Class
If you are a Chicago Area Blogger and would like to be added to this list please email me at with Chicago Area Blogger list in the subject. Of course it would be wonderful if you returned the favor and added me to your Blog Roll as well.
Thanks for including me on your list! :)
Thank you so much! I may be putting this up on my blog as well, its a great idea!
thanks girlie!!
Awesome! Thank you for adding me! <3
Thank you so much for adding me to the list.
Thank you for adding me!
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