Does this make my butt look big?

I want a Flip, I want a Flip very badly. I want a Flip so flipping badly that I am willing to do almost anything for a Flip. I would dress up like an ape if I had to, but I think that might only get me a Klondike bar. I'll take one of those too please.
So in an attempt to score a beautious new Flip recorder I'm linking to this giveaway.
The Domestic Diva’s Ultimate Flippin’ Giveaway
Domestic Diva is giving away a Flip and I'm going to win it or die trying! She also has link there for another sweet giveaway:
"Ten (10) Grand Prize Winners will get the equivalent of a years worth of free groceries from Walmart, in the form of a $6,000 Walmart Gift Card."
Holy Cow! You know what you could buy at Walmart for $6000!! That's an awful lot of Halloween candy, you might even be inclined to share some of it.
I'll be humble, I only want the Flip. Pretty please. Anybody?
So little to do and so much time, wait strike that and reverse it.
Crazy busy here on The Avenue! Mostly CRAZY!
Couple three weeks ago, Whynot and I ordered new furniture for our family room. After much thought, we actually agreed on something. Ink Man (my stepson) has a friend who would like our old set, so today, Ink stopped by, ate, (naturally) and took the sleeper part of the old sofa.
Now the room is a little bare, well except for the family of dust bunnies that took up residency under the couch. I'll be finding them a new home in my Dyson in a few minutes.
I'm waiting for UPS to deliver my new desk chair, cuz my back is killing me from sitting here on my ass all day reading and blogging. Hey Office Depot, ya like that shout out? Send me some free stuff please. Furniture company you too.
I've already spent a good portion of the morning on the phone. I need to find financing for Whynot's new car and call our insurance agent to get new coverage. I get all the good jobs.
We're spending money like there's no tomorrow, but it's ok. If tomorrow doesn't come I won't have to pay these bills and if that doesn't work out I figure I'll make a few payments and call my creditors and say, "Hey I'm sorry, I misunderstood your terms, I'm going to have to default on those loans, I didn't know you were serious about having to pay them back."
Ok I gotta run, I have my Honey Do List to get back to. But I'm going to leave you with this in case you haven't seen it.
Bloggy Giveaways Carnival Go win some cool stuff and when you do, you can thank me for pointing you that way.
Smooches chicas!
This is my favorite dealie of all times. I LOVE to eat! And I love it even better when it's good eats for cheap.
Thanks to Mir for this awesome money saving offer.“These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes or self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers! Deliver this award to eight bloggers who must choose eight more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award.”
Thank you so much Jenni and Betsy! Now I must pass the booty to other well deserving bloggers.
Speaking of booty, the butt chamois giveaway is now closed. I had 7 comments, one was from Jenni who already has a chamois. I promised 5 prizes, but who wants to be odd man out? Besides it's so much work hauling that Random Integer Generator out of the basement. So again thanks to Visa for extending more credit, I will send butt chamois to the following bloggers
KaciDid you get over to Old Navy today? I did! Well, Augie Dawgs, TOF and I did. We didn't get there when it opened, instead we took our chances and arrived closer to 11, for the kid's costume party. They still had the gift bags with the coupons and Augie and I each got a $5 off your total purchase.
With my $5 coupon I purchased 5 kids Halloween t-shirts marked down to $1 each, for my little friends. I figured they were healthier than candy and they were FREE. Much cheaper than the $2.49 I spent on Halloween t-shirts at Children's Place last week.
TOF received a FREE graphic t-shirt just for showing up in costume.
I found three of these cute striped polo shirts, marked down to $2 each, Augie used her coupon and the grand total today at Old Navy was $1.05! For 9 shirts! We are the fart smellers (smart fellas).
But wait, we're not done bargain shopping yet. We headed over to JCPenney and I had a couple (well 4 actually) coupons for $10 off a minimum $10 purchase. I used those on 4 of these lovely tshirts for me, and 2 for Augie Dawgs, they were marked down to $5.99 during the door buster. Making our out of pocket expense $6.42 for 6 tshirts! Like my new long hair? Yeah, as if. I would definitely give up my big boobs to be THAT skinny again.
We made our way upstairs to the children's department and TOF scored this awesome fleece lined jacket, (his is blue) marked down to $19.99 during the door buster, but our price with coupon, a mere $9.99 plus tax.But our fun is far from over! We had Halloween "poddies" to attend. Here are my favorite guys in costume, Elmo and Oscar the Grouch! (aka Whynot)
TOF and I at the Lion's Club costume party. TOF made the top 10 preschool costumes and then lost to that little green fairy you can see in the bottom of the picture. She was cute, but he's TOF!
Monser meets Monser! Trick or Treating before lunch.
This was our waitress, TOF recognized her immediately as Stephanie from Lazy Town. I asked if we could take a picture with Stephanie and she said sure, but who is Stephanie. DOH!
And no Halloween is complete without a visit to the fire house.
We planned on stopping at Kohl's on the way home, (more coupons LOL) but TOF passed out in the car.
...........has been cancelled. Instead today I bring you the long awaited continuation of the Happy Birthday to Me post.
Way back on October 6th I wrote a blurb about...oh wait, I'll just cut and paste.
"P.S. A shameless's birthday week here on The Avenue. Mine being Wednesday the 8th and Glitter Gurl's on Wednesday the 15th. Hey if I don't tell ya, who will? Anywhoo, in honor of the birthdays and because I am THE QUEEN attention seeker, I am sponsoring a give away. On my birthday post Wednesday if I reach 100 comments I will pull out the old random number generator and send the winner some honest to goodness scratch off lottery tickets. Open only to US residents over the age of 18 and whatever other disclaimers I need to add to that. They have to be real comments, one letter comments and duplicates won't count as more than one entry. Hey you gotta work for it here on The Avenue.
So go now and come back Wednesday with your comments, you might want to practice and leave some love now. Leave a blurb on your blog and get your friends to come back and wish me a Happy Birthday!""I know I said one hundred comments and originals ones at that, but hey, my blog, my contest, my rules. I had 63 comments wishing me a Happy Birthday yesterday. Woohoo!
So this morning, I got up, showered, got dressed, had my coffee and plugged in the Random Integer Generator and this is what happened.
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:58
Timestamp: 2008-10-09 11:55:39 UTC
Which is.................
Jenni Jiggety said...
You are surrounded with comment love!
October 8, 2008 9:03 PM
and if I WASN'T USING the random generator, which I WAS, but if I wasn't, that is probably the comment I would have picked! Because honestly, I felt the Bloggy love with every comment that was posted for me.
Thank you all very much!
Jenni, your prize will be winging it's way to you as soon as you email me your shipping info."
Well as luck would have it Jenni provided me with her address, even after I confirmed that yes indeed I was a psycho stalker AND axe murderer, and I was forced to max out my credit card to make good on my promise of a prize. Jenni was kind enough to blog about her prize package here. Her post is comical and the reader's comments even more so.
Jenni I'm so glad you enjoyed my little care package, and seriously, I really never thought about your Buick sized butt before. But after today with another butt related post by you, I can't help but wonder, just how much elastic did you need to get all the way around your fenders?
P.S. Instead of 5 Thoughful Bloggers, today and today only, RIG and I will pick 5 thoughtful commentators and each of you will receive your very own butt chamois.
P.S.S. Thanks to A Mom in Red High Heels for this dealie.
Mark your calendar now and go have some fun with your kiddos at Old Navy! Find your local store at
This week I got an email for a recipe exchange and I obliged, sending in my recipe, moving #2 to the #1 spot, adding myself. If everyone does the same I'll have, oh I dunno, 36 or 482 recipes. Something like that.
I have a few minutes thanks to Thomas, so I'm skimming Google Reader.
So far I have found these: (sorry this is a little messy, but Thomas will only help me out for so long)
All that pissing and moaning about never being tagged and someone finally heard me! Thanks Deb! Now I need to set my sights on some awesome bloggy awards and pay it forwards and THAT PLATE! LOL
So, step 2, I'm supposed to share some random and/or weird facts about myself. I'm definitely not getting too weird here, I want you to come back.
This is going to take a little work and some waiting time, but if it works it's worth it no? Omaha Steaks has a great almost freebie going on. I'll send you over here to read about it. Thanks again to My Penny Pile for posting this offer. I signed up a few minutes ago and am still waiting for my code. The freebies and great offers have been a little slim this week. I'll keep looking.
Sweet Dreams!
Senator Barack Obama is canceling his campaign events Thursday and Friday to visit his gravely ill 85-year-old grandmother in Hawaii.
Madelyn Payne Dunham, who helped raise Obama, was released from the hospital late last week, but her health has deteriorated and the situation is very serious.
On The Avenue in yet another seriously stimulating and highly intelligent adult conversation between Whynot and myself, I asked "When TOF is on the presidential campaign trail and they are dissecting a book he wrote, what do you think he will have to say about his Mema?" My ever somber hubby's reply.........."he'll say you're Polish"
As often as we think that other people's opinions of us do not matter, to a degree they do. I don't think anyone sets out on their life's journey to be the social outcast, the kid that gets poked fun at, or the crazy woman who always yells at the kids playing outside.
You have no control over what other people think or how they act. You can only control how you conduct yourself. Your actions and behavior will determine how other people choose to treat you and the way they think of you.Julie did a MEME with a twist that looked fun and so I tagged myself, since no one has ever tagged me, wah wah wah. Ok here goes.
Do It Yourself Photo MEME
The rules are as follows: choose the sixth photo from your sixth album and post it with a brief description and/or the story behind it.HA! Mr Excitement himself, the handsome Whynot. This was Christmas 2007 on The Avenue. Whynot is opening one of his gifts and commenting on what a lovely frame backing he received. Yup seriously that's what he said. You'd have to know him to appreciate the humor or lack there of it.
Since that might not be the most exciting story, go backwards as well and do the sixth album from the end and the sixth pic from the end of that album.I know you're all terribly disappointed. I can almost hear you singing songs of praise. Hallelujah, we can just move on to the next blog and not make nice nice here.
Well just because I know how you miss it when I don't post some senseless something, I will.
There is no thoughtful blogger award today, not because I found no one to be thoughtful. Oh no, not that at all. It's only because I'm tired and LAZY! And lazy and TIRED!
I have great comments, I have lots of email and I have a Google Reader that reminds me of the I Love Lucy episode where Lucy and Ethel got jobs at the candy factory and that conveyor belt started moving faster and faster and Lucy couldn't keep up and there was candy everywhere. But in my life, I can keep up with candy just fine, a little too fine, as my butt will attest. It's everything else that is spinning put of control.
I have a DVR full of shows that I may never watch. Sad. I have yet to see one episode of Heroes this season. I'm behind on Prison Break and GH and Night Shift.
The laundry! My God, there's 2 of us in this house, where is this laundry coming from?
I did manage to put down 32 bags of mulch in the backyard, but the 5 mums I bought are still sitting in pots on the patio. The plants in the flower beds need to be separated. Whynot is working on removing the ugly shrubs in front of the house. Gardening is not relaxing, it's not soothing or calming, it's HARD WORK! Luckily I didn't break a nail, that would have pushed me over the edge. I have no time for a manicure, ugh or to cover these grey roots and my back is killing me.
Yesterday, Augie Dawgs and I volunteered at the kid's resale. That could be ten blog posts in itself. My motto is "my way is the best way." It was not MY WAY yesterday. IMO quality control was lacking, but hey that's not where you stationed me, so I had my usual pleasant disposition when things don't roll my way.
If you attend the sale, which you probably won't, but I'm just saying, you may be a tad disappointed in the quality of the items. There's a lot of crap out there that I wouldn't put on my kid, but hey, whatever!
So, since today I'm not giving out the Thoughtful Blogger Award. I leave you with a homework assignment of sort. Take that there award (just cut and paste) and pass it on to 5 bloggers that made you feel good this week. A linky back to me is always greatly appreciated.
Have a great Friday, I'm off to find some ibuprofen. Sighhhhh
I found these while surfing this morning. I'm giving credit to the blog that I found the info at. Please don't sue me I have nothing, that's why I'm always looking for bargains.
From Mir at Want Not
Children’s Place drops inventory to 50% off, and you can use coupon code HAA8 for another 15% off plus shipping is a flat $5.
I got some great Halloween goodies for my little friends, t-shirts for $2.50. Hurry quantities are limited
Maryanne over at My Penny Pile writes"Deal"icious Mom says
Click here to get a free subscription to Dog’s Life magazine. (US residents only)
Rhapsody and Blender magazine have 10 free MP3 downloads here.
All was quiet on The Avenue last night. The cats were caged in the garage to keep them from getting into the trap. I slept soundly and undisturbed by any raccoon carcasses falling through my bedroom ceiling.
Upon inspecting the trap this morning, it too was undisturbed. As were the garbage cans and the soffit was still in place.
But wait, what's this? Houdini, I mean Henry is not in his cage! I consulted Grissom Whynot and he suggested that maybe it wasn't a raccoon at all. Maybe it was Henry we heard in the attic. After all, the prime suspect is always the first one at the crime scene and Henry was out there with us Monday night.
I'm relieved that it may not have been a 50 lb rodent like critter up there, but Henry WTF! That's equivalent to biting the hand that feeds you. Keep it up and I'll snip more than your balls.
Anyone want a cat?
I've been neglecting my Google Reader and even worse, I've been doing what I hate the most....LURKING. I have so many blogs to catch up on and so much to do around The Avenue, so please forgive me. I'll leave a generic comment below for all of you and you can cut and paste if you'd like. Just know that I love you all a whole bunch.
Great post as usual. I so enjoy your daily antics and look forward to reading your blog entries. Thanks for making me smile today.
Question for you......
Would you be interested in my sharing some great deals I find online? Or do you pretty much already see them as you surf the web? Because sometimes I come across a few that make me so excited that I soil myself.
Life on The Avenue is never dull! Never!
I've been feeling crappy lately, tired, worn out, raggy. I'm horribly PMS-ey, so Monday night immediately after CSI Miami I went to bed.
Whynot opted to stay up and oh hell if I know, I WAS ASLEEP. About midnight he comes up to bed and asks me what that noise is. I WAS ASLEEP, but now I'm up, what noise? You don't hear that? At first I thought it was the pigs chewing their cages, but it was louder and coming from ABOVE.
He screams, "Something is in the attic!" Now if you knew him, you'd think he was joking and just tell him STFU and go to bed. But then I heard it again. It was running in the attic and it was big.
We both ran outside to investigate. We couldn't see anything so we came back inside where I laid awake for a good part of the night, worrying about what might fall through the ceiling on me.
Whynot was running late AGAIN and didn't have time to inspect outside or in the attic. I didn't hear anything all day and I wasn't about to open the attic to check it out myself. So when he got home he decided that he needed to trim the tree outside our bedroom in case whatever it was was using the tree to get on our roof.
My husband is a total If You Give a Mouse a Cookie sort of guy, so after he trimmed the tree, he thought it would be a good idea to check the gutters before winter. Upon checking the gutters, he inspected the soffit and that's when he found it. Oh I wish I had pictures! At this point we're assuming it was a raccoon because it was a BIG hole.
All I could think was "oh F**K" The attic is going to be trashed and I have stuff stored up there. I called our insurance guy, because I had no idea who to call or what to do. He suggested that I call a pest removal service. Which I did. They could come Saturday, for $100 plus. The $100 was for a consultation to discuss removal. ON SATURDAY! In the meantime, Rocky was going to have free roam of my attic? You would think for $100 they would have been here before I hung the phone up! Like Dewey Screwem and Howe.
That Durwood, besides making cute babies, he can be very helpful. Remember he helped me organize the garage a few weeks back. Well today he bravely entered the attic, where only by some act of God, nothing was destroyed. No heaps of insulation all over, no shredded Rubbermaid containers, nadda. I must have sacred the sucker when I banged on the walls. Durwood then scaled the roof and repaired the damaged soffit. It's good as new.
The trap is set and I am in some serious need of sleep. Never a dull moment here. I may be scarce tomorrow. I have a gajillion tree branches to tie up for the garabge man and a load of underpants to wash.
Hi and welcome to my bitch and moan fest! I've never blogged one before, but trust me I have them often. It must be PMS...going to check calendar........YUP sure as shit, Saturday should be the big day.
I don't know about any of you, but I LOVE TO HAVE MY PERIOD ON THE WEEKEND! Crap, I have at least one male reader on occasion. Sorry Fred this is gonna be ugly, it's ok if you leave, I'll understand.
Yup, yup, yup, I do love me a nice weekend shot to shit because of Aunt Flo. And the stress of her visit making me all nutso for an entire six days before she comes.
Welcome to Monday on The Avenue, where today, ComEd was scheduled to remove our old freezer between 9am-1pm. Last night I was feeling sick, must be allergies from the pumpkin farm or stress or who knows. It's never something simple for me, it's always some designer malady. I Google too much. I digress, anyway, I went to bed early after a nice shot of Nyquil. But I was coherent enough to remember to say to Whynot, "when you get up tomorrow, please move both cars into the street, because with my luck, the drivers will tip that freezer right onto my new car."
Now I am not sure how YOU translate that request, but I meant WHEN YOU WAKE UP!! Given time to pee of course, but then we are talking about 5 minutes after YOU WAKE UP!
Whynot's understanding is when I wake up, take a pee, get the newspapers, read my email, check the football scores (of the friggin games he watched til the end yesterday) (what's the point? was the score going to change overnight? the Bears lost, get over it) eh, may as well play a game of Bejeweled. Now I'll go upstairs, pour some coffee, make my breakfast, read the paper, go wake up TOF cuz why should he sleep. All the while scratching his head wondering why Megryansmom's head is giving off steam.
I walked out to the garage and moved my car into the street, Whynot leaves at 9am so he should be fine. He is still clueless!
As he is leaving, the truck for the freezer is driving down the street. Do you think he turns around, to make sure TOF and I don't get cornholed? Nahhhh, what for? I know, the chances are slim, one look at me today and the guys would have become impotent. But still!
So I got a new phone this weekend, a Samsung Katalyst. I like it enough but dangit, why can't you change the default setting for messaging to something other than predictive text. Dear phone I don't know what I'm gonna say next, don't try to predict it for me! Other than that it's ok. I set a few of my old ringtones and texted Whynot to call me to see if it worked. It did, I didn't answer I was busy. So I get, I called, you didn't answer, just so you don't say I didn't call you. Aww shaddup! Today is my B & M day, pick a different one or not!
Back to that freezer, in order for the guys to get it out of the garage I had to moved this beam we have on the floor so we know where to stop the cars. So I called Whynot again and told him this, and asked that he please call me when he turns the corner so I can come out and place it in the proper spot. His response....Oh so you can get your boyfriend out the backdoor.
Oh how wrong you are my dear second husband! I vowed almost 12 years ago that you would be my last man. After you I'm done with men, I'm gettin me a nice wife that will take care of me!
Look at the colors on that tree! God's little gift to us Midwesterners before he zaps us with below zero temps and 10 feet of snow and ice.
A little afternoon concert. The Rolling Bones I think was the name of this delightful band. You can see Keith up front and Charlie is hidden behind him. Mick in the center and Ronnie on the right.
Remember the TRIP TO THE ZOO? Where all we heard was "bridge broken" and "Mema broke bridge" Well thankfully we're over that. It's been replaced by "Mahser puke garbage can. Blehhhhhh"
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