Julie did a MEME with a twist that looked fun and so I tagged myself, since no one has ever tagged me, wah wah wah. Ok here goes.
Do It Yourself Photo MEME
The rules are as follows: choose the sixth photo from your sixth album and post it with a brief description and/or the story behind it.HA! Mr Excitement himself, the handsome Whynot. This was Christmas 2007 on The Avenue. Whynot is opening one of his gifts and commenting on what a lovely frame backing he received. Yup seriously that's what he said. You'd have to know him to appreciate the humor or lack there of it.
Since that might not be the most exciting story, go backwards as well and do the sixth album from the end and the sixth pic from the end of that album.Now there's a cutie patootie! TOF brushing his teeth, only he says PEEF.
In following our pattern of sixes, I'm tagging the sixth follower of my blog from the top, Karen and the sixth follower from the bottom, Marilyn, since Marilyn is recovering from surgery and may not be up to playing, I'm choosing one more for good measure, my newest follower fraizerbaz.
Have fun playing everyone, I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures. Don't forget to tag at least 2 people, just like the shampoo remember? Thanks Julie for this great idea, now I'm off to a very important date in my bedroom.......with a heating pad! What were you people thinking? It's Saturday afternoon! I'm not teenager anymore LOL
I always say if you can't get tagged, you should just tag yourself!
You may not be a teenager but you are forever young!!!
Cute pics! I don't have six albums though....or I'd play!
Oh wait, do albums on my computer count? Or is that what you meant in the first place? I need more coffee...
Hmmmm I don't buy the heating pad story. ;)
I am forever touching, I mean tagging myself. Someones gotta do it.
This one looks fun!!
Whynot and I share the same warped sense of humor. I could probably look through some old albums and see me doing something pretty goofy.
Good morning, SITSta! You were ahead of me in roll call, so I stopped by to say hi! I hope you have a great day!:)
Thanks for coming over to my blog. I love the photo tag idea. I think I may just tag myself too.
Hope you have a lovely day
LOL!!!! You're so funny! :) XOXO
cute pics! and I would swear I tagged you for something one time. Maybe that was a post that ended up not posting or something? what do I know???? LOL
great pics you SSS fairy you! your like magic i c u everywhere LOL and I love it!
did you get an email from me with your SSS partner?
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