Saturday, October 11, 2008

Official Delurking Day

Hey it's Saturday and you're already here, so won't you be so kind as to leave a little bloggy love behind. It's so easy to do.

How do I leave comments on a blog?

If someone has comments enabled on his or her blog, then you can usually find a "comments" link at the end of each post, like this:

If you click this link, you will go to the comment posting page. (Note: in some templates, this link may take you to the post page first. From there you should be able to find the "Post a Comment" link which will take you here.) The comment posting page looks like this:

In the upper left corner, there is an option to show or hide the original blog post that the comments relate to. The rest of the left-hand column contains any comments that have already been made. The profile photos of the comment authors may also display, depending on the blog's settings.

On the right hand side of the page is the space for you to enter your comment. Beneath that are the identity options. (Some of these may not be available, depending on the blog's settings.)

The options are these:

  • Blogger username: Your display name will appear, along with a link to your profile and your photo (if you have one).
  • Other: You can enter your name and a link to your website, without having to have a Blogger account.
  • Anonymous: No identifying information is displayed. The comment is credited to "Anonymous" without a link.

The owner of a blog also has the option to have comments open in popup windows. In this case, all the primary features will still be present, just arranged a little differently:


  • This article only covers Blogger's commenting system. Some Blogger users have installed third-party comment systems (e.g. Haloscan, Enetation, etc.) which will work differently.

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bv said...

Happ Saturday! Hope you enjoy your weekend. What I really want to know is how you changed the comment link to read differently (heaping spoonfuls of love in your case)?

I've scoured the Settings tab and looked at the HTML under the Layout tab and must be missing something! Help?!

Unknown said...

Britta, thanks for asking, I'd be glad to help. Go to your DASHBOARD, click on LAYOUT, right under your header it says BLOG POSTS in a rectangle. Click on EDIT, towards the bottom on the right hand side. A new link should open and that's where you CONFIGURE BLOG POSTS. It's the 6th line down. Type in whatever you want, scroll down and hit save. Close that link, I always hit save on the LAYOUT page also just in case and voila, no more generic comment heading.

Julie said...

Can I steal this and post it on my blog???? I have people asking me all the time how to leave comments and I keep meaning to do a post about it!!!!!

amy turn sharp said...

thanks babe for the visit! I love delurking. xo I will be back! Great how to post btw! love it when folks take time to explain to others. Sweet! xo

Unknown said...

Good Morning megryansmom! I am still tryin to get caught up from being absent all week! You know me if I read you I comment you ;-) no lurking here
Jill jill Bo Bill is in town so i am going to meet her in a lil bit and we are gonna go shoppin-Hope your saturday is Fan-friggin-tastik!

Lora said...

Hi, found you from I Should Be Folding Laundry. Great idea for a how-to blog. a non-blogger, non-website non-techno reader, needs a little more help for us. The first time I tried to leave a comment on a blog with my name was pathetic! :Love your writing. Are you really Meg Ryan's mom??

Unknown said...

Lora,I get asked that question a lot. Of course I'm Megryansmom, why would I make that up. It's just not THE Meg Ryan that you're probably thinking of. Thanks for stopping by. said...

I'm glad I stopped by! Great tips and loved the rundown of who's who and all of that.

Kaci said...

LOL! YOu're so funny! XOXO here's a comment sister!

Jenni said...

Here is a lovely comment for you! Enjoy your day!

Karen said...

Nice post. I'm sure this will help many. I like your blog site and enjoy the reading. Thanks, keep up the great work.

Susan said...

Cloaking device, disengaged.


Anonymous said...

Well now that you told us LOL :) Thank you for coming to my blog, I like yours a lot :)

Anonymous said...

On of these days Suzie I, like you will also decloak and even create my own blog like you two.
I still cannot think of what in my life would be worth blogging about. Its like leaving a message on an answering machine, once it beeps to leave the message, I lose all the words. Could you please pass the brownies?

Betsy Hart said...

That is a wonderful idea for a blog post, then maybe my lurkers will come out of the woodwork and post some more!

Unknown said...

Such a good idea for a post! I would like to borrow, if I have your permission.
Thank You!

~AirmanMom returning to her blog...

Julie said...

Some bloggy love for you....will be linking this post into my T and T shortly - thanks for doing such a good job!

Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

What a great post! I've done one on making sure you have an email address connected to your blog account so when you LEAVE me bloggy love, I can reply to you immediately, without having to go to your blog and leave my reply on one of your blog posts, yada yada.

Happy Sunday!

bv said...

Thank you so much for the instructions! I really appreciate you taking the time to detail that out! I've been racking my brain on my own and now need to think of something catchy to put in there! I learned something new today and again thank you for the great instructions!!!


MYM said...

Thanks for delurking yourself on my blog ;)

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