and I'm practically penniless!
I really don't know how it happens or why it happens so often. Well, other than my sheer stupidity.
The balance in my checkbook register right now.......$439.49.
The actual bank balance......$9.49.
The bills on my desk $105 plus $41.70.
Even with long division it's plain to see that's not gonna fly.
The humor in all of this? I used to be an accountant for a large bank in Chicago. I understand the whole concept of balancing your check book. The area I'm having trouble with lately is when I enter a deposit in my register I must actually take said deposit to the bank. The problems begin when I finally DO take the deposit to the bank, that's when I like to enter the amount in my register AGAIN!
I do this repeatedly! I am soooooo screwed. ARGHHHHH!
Lady you need online banking, pronto. It's all real-time and you can't do these things to yourself :) Not that I have any personal experience here... MY checkbook is always perfectly balanced.
WOW! I would say Amen to Kathy B
WOW! I would say Amen to Kathy B
Yay...I do it all by online banking now. I'm an accountant too and dear me if only my customers knew. LOL! :)
I used to think just because I had checks left ... I had money to go with it Ha Ha Ha
Yeah, sounds like you took accounting 101 from some of these companies that the bailout is giving million dollar bonuses. Doesn't that just make you want to club 'em? Here we are, the ones who are really getting screwed and they're pissing and moaning about only a million dollar bonus. I hope the gov't taxes it all back.
Ooh, gotta go to my happy place, my happy place....LOL.
I understand all about there not being enough in the balance because I put something in twice, just got us recovered from that fiasco.
Try the Bernie Madoff Method... I heard it worked for him. LOL
The Blue Ridge Gal
I'm a bookkeeper and there is no way I would go back to the old way of balancing a checkbook. I too use the online banking.
But I think more importantly for you is learning NOT to write anything down in that checkbook until you have a receipt in hand. Whether it be a deposit receipt or a Walmart receipt. Don't enter a transaction until it's actually made.
I hope you can dig out of that one without to much aggravation, it's a pretty big hole. I would be frantic myself.
LOL...I have the opposite problem most of the time...why does the bank say I have $$$ and my checkbook only says $$????
but, I've NEVER been an accountant....
I do all of my banking online as well. I couldn't stand the headache otherwise:)
I use Quicken. It makes it so easy to balance the checkbook.
I was also down to about $90 in my checking account, then my state rax refund was direct deposited this morning. Woo hoo!
I do a mix of both, online banking and check registry. I keep all my receipts (at least TRY to), then once a week I pull them all out and enter them into my registry. Then once every 2 weeks I go online and go line by line comparing my registry to their records.
I put a little check next to everything that has cleared. I write in any receipts that went missing, then I do all the math.
It works for me... but it doesn't really cure the "SHIT I'm broke" part.
oh honey, i know. it sucks.
yeah, if we all could record deposits twice, that would ROCK. :)
I feel it - I also dutifully notate all check deposits.
And then I find the checks scattered about in the car several weeks later.
So fiscally responsible.
I hate banks... I just try and keep track in my head and hope for the best. Works most of the time, along with my online banking I check really really regularly. Usually just the two days after payday, then I am broke again, and it doesnt' matter. :( I hate money.
If it makes you feel better my husband told me this morning that our account is negative $500...
UGH! How frustrating!
I hear ya sister!!!! So depressing. But I love the picture & the angle and lighting... that's a bright point, just don't look at the check in it.
awww, I've had that kind of month rather often lately! The BEST was when Dan got a $500 reimbursement check from his work, but he gave it to ME to deposit in the bank. ME, who is not used to being the one to make bank trips, FORGOT, yet remembered hearing he'd gotten the $500 and wrote out some bills accordingly. Realized the mistake when SEVEN checks overdrafted at $34 each. Which then left me without enough money to cover bills that month and my Credit Card got a larger work-out than normal... Feel better now?
I'm an honorary member of that club.
Oops. Luckily I don't do that, but ... I'll admit that this could possibly be because I don't keep a checkbook register. Excel spreadsheet and ummm the oft-mentioned online banking :)
Online, baby! It's the way to go!
Also thank goodness tomorrow is payday because online or not, I ain't got no cashola!
Arghhhh indeed!
I can so understand where you are coming from. I forget that hubby does not have the same job and that it does not automatically pay certain bills like before, and with making 1/2 the amount as before I often have freakout moments about the register.
However I take Hubby's debit card when we get to $100 in the account just in case. Maybe I should hide mine too?
My husband drained our checking account (by over paying all of our bills) in an attempt to make us more willing to accept "the experiment". Unfortunately, he didn't think about possible unforeseeable expenses.
We're kind of screwed right now too.
I was an Accountant too. I hardly ever write anything in my check registers. For some stupid reason I save my receipts in my wallet, until it possibly couldn't hold anymore. When it gets to be to much I take them out and put them in an envelope somewhere. Where? I don't know.
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