Sunday, September 14, 2008

Late Breaking News!

Cubs win!

Magic Number is 7!

Big Z pitches first Cubs no hitter since Milt Pappas in 1972!

Just thought you'd want to know.

Good night, jeem jeems (sweet dreams)
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Anonymous said...

Cards don't have our attention this year, who knows what they're doing.

So since Ynot is paying such close attention, I am happy his cubs are doing well. I keep hearing something about a cubs/sox series.
Why Not?? ;o)

Jenni said...

Very nice! We both had good baseball days yesterday!

OHmommy said...

Yay for the CUBS.

Leah said...

I don't really follow sports, but I'm happy for you your team is doing well.

The only thing I try to follow is Steelers football, since my husband is a HUGE fan

Kaci said...


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