Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Re Purpose Your Parmesan Cheese Shaker with Pinterest

My name is Rita and I am a Pinterest addict.

No worries, I don't need pintervention.

I enjoy being hooked on Pinterest.

In addition to being a huge time suck for when I'm bored, I've found many useful ideas.  I've found recipe ideas that I'll never prepare, crafts I'll never make and jewelry I can't afford.  I've even re pinned some great organizing ideas for when I have the urge to get organized.  Every once in a while, I re pin something for the kids that I actually follow through with.

Today I've re purposed a parmesan cheese shaker into a fun fine motor skill activity for TC.

Look at that determination, he is so focused.

The cheese shaker was a $1 store find and I had the spaghetti in my pantry.  You could even use toothpicks (with supervision) or rice for a more challenging activity.

Do you follow me on Pinterest?  Click the button at the top of my sidebar, I'd love to follow you back.

*Original idea can be found at Quirky Momma
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Debz said...

"I've found recipe ideas that I'll never prepare, crafts I'll never make and jewelry I can't afford."

I nearly spit my lunch on the counter! That's too freakin funny!!

(and also totally correct for likely most of us on Pinterest lol)

Kim/reluctant renovator said...

I hadn't thought to use pinterest in that way. SO maybe all the old doors I had my contractor save might have a use? I might have hoarded a bit during our reno, so I'll keep my eyes open.

I love the activity you came up with and it looks like it was a hit!

Unknown said...

What a GREAT idea!
I too am hooked on the pinterest.
I consider it a not so terrible thing :)

Rita said...

Too funny, and great idea!

Becky Jane said...

Excellent idea! My kids would have the spaghetti all eaten before any got through the holes...they love uncooked spaghetti...lol

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