First thing to do is take a big ole swig of patience. Accidents are going to happen and constantly scolding your pup will make her nervous. Instead, praise good behavior. Pet her, tell her she's a good girl and reward her with a healthy treat such as Milk-Bone® dog treats. Every. single. time.
It wasn't always the case, but now I am a firm believer in crate training. My first 3 puppies were not crate trained and then the next 4 were. Using the crate made potty training much easier. But let me first dispel the myth that dogs will not soil where they sleep. Puppies pee and poop everywhere. That said, I'd much rather wash a crate tray, a few towels and a puppy, than purchase new carpeting or couches.
What worked for us was to only let the puppy out of her crate to pee and poop at first. We did this every hour during the day, a few times at night, as well as immediately after meals. Woke the puppy up, carried her outside, plopped her in the grass and waited. And waited some more. When she was successful, we praised and petted, socialized, and returned her to her crate with a Milk-Bone® treat to enjoy. If she was not successful, there was no treat waiting in her crate. After a few days we extended the time between letting her outside as well as the length of time we would play with her before returning her to her crate. Using this method shortened the potty training for us, but keep in mind each puppy is different and your results may not be the same.
Whatever you do don't confine your puppy to a crate for long periods of time without any attention. Dogs are very social animals and need companionship. A responsible pet owner will take good care of their puppy by showering her with lots of love and affection which includes feeding her healthy food and snacks, consistent obedience training and of course having your pet spayed or neutered.
As a result, you will have a faithful companion for many years.
I've put together this gift package filled with Milk-Bone® Treats, Pup-Peroni dog snacks and Milo’s Kitchen home style dog treats for make it easy for Penny's family to reward their new baby with tasty, healthy snacks. I've also added a few fun toys as well a nail clipper. Clipping your dogs nails is important to good health too and doing it at home can save you money you can use on other dog necessities.
Now for this cold to go away and the weather to let up, so that Bella, Gracy and I can go for a visit.
For more shoppertunity photos, please stop by my Google + story and click here to read my 1st Milk-Bone® #CBias #iLoveMyK9 blog post.
Disclaimer: This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias. All opinions and photos are my own. #CBias #ILoveMyk9
Nice gift pack! My fur kids are both 11 and older, and very well potty trained (years ago). But I sure wish I could get them to want to go OUT of and IN to the house at the same time. lol
Love how you packaged the gift!
We're currently house training 2 rescues. One is a true puppy at a little over 2 months while the other is a little over a year. The older dog spent his whole life at the humane society, so he obviously was never house trained.
I lOvE this idea as a new puppy gift!!!
Great tips! We didn't crate train and I regretted it. Love the little gift you made :)
You have a ton of good tips on training a pup! Thanks for sharing.
Our first dog was not crate trained; during training when we got our next baby the experienced and wise trainer certainly made good points about crate training and we have been believers from that point forward. With a little patience and lots of love our babies have learned quickly how to use the outside and not the inside as their toilet. We also added a doggy door which is not used by our biggest dog, but our puppy thinks that the ability to go in and out is the coolest thing in the world (of course we have a fenced in yard for safety).
love the packaging of the gift basket and thanks for sharing your crating stories...
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