Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Fat Boy Chronicles

"The Fat Boy Chronicles," is a film inspired by a true story of an obese teen and his emotionally painful tribulations going through High School in the face of a thin-obsessed society..

At age fourteen. 5'5 Jimmy weighs 187 pounds. Outside the comfort of his family and church, life for Jimmy is a constant struggle. The cruel taunts of his classmates make going to school or playing sports a humiliating experience. Yet, he still manages to focus on his goals -- to lose weight and win over the girl of his dreams.

What I thought:

As someone who endured teasing and bullying as a child, I can relate to Jimmy.  There are a lot of great lessons to be learned here and it's important for parents to share this movie and the related conversations with their children.  Words do hurt and hurting is not acceptable.  I also highly recommend that teachers and administrators view the film and take a step towards doing something more about bullying in the school system.


Christopher Rivera
Kelly Washington
Ron Lester
Cole Carson
Chris Bert
Benjamin Taylor

Directed By:

Jason Winn

Screenplay By:

Diane Lang and Michael Buchanan

Disclaimer:  I received a copy of the DVD for the purpose of review, all opinions are my own.
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1 comment:

Debz said...

We almost just rented that. I guess maybe next time I'll do it and not ALMOST do it.
Thanks for the review Rita!!

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