This is Whynot and I as we arrive on The Strip.

Cash in hand, ready for some hot hot hot gambling action!
BOB and I arrived at McCarran Int'l Airport Friday night around 11:30 Vegas time, Whynot was waiting for us at the luggage carousel. Back at the Flamingo we left BOB in our room and hit the casino. Lady Luck was not cooperating much so we decided to call it a night about 3 am, I had been up almost 24 hours straight. I don't sleep much in Vegas. Those bright flashing lights and the FREE flowing alcohol and the people watching. MY GOD the people watching, who can sleep, I didn't want to miss anything.
Here's where I would like say, "Just because it's FOR sale, doesn't mean it's a good look on you!" Far too many people take the motto, "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" too seriously. Oh yeah it may STAY in Vegas, but only after it has burned a hole in my corneas! I could write pages and pages about fashion blunders, but I won't.
Saturday morning we headed over to Imperial Palace for a buffet breakfast. For me in Vegas it's all about the food, the drinking and the gambling, doing it on the free or cheap just adds to the excitement. Breakfast was FREE. Made to order omelets, crisp bacon, sausage, pancakes, seafood, desserts, mmm mmm yummy! We only eat two meals a day on vacation, but Whynot and I were so stuffed we skipped dinner.
Here's where I would like say, "Just because it's FOR sale, doesn't mean it's a good look on you!" Far too many people take the motto, "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas" too seriously. Oh yeah it may STAY in Vegas, but only after it has burned a hole in my corneas! I could write pages and pages about fashion blunders, but I won't.
Saturday morning we headed over to Imperial Palace for a buffet breakfast. For me in Vegas it's all about the food, the drinking and the gambling, doing it on the free or cheap just adds to the excitement. Breakfast was FREE. Made to order omelets, crisp bacon, sausage, pancakes, seafood, desserts, mmm mmm yummy! We only eat two meals a day on vacation, but Whynot and I were so stuffed we skipped dinner.
Saturday night we headed over to Harrahs to see Legends in Concert.
The show we saw featured celebrity impersonators for Jay Leno, Whitney Houston, Garth Brooks, The Temptations and of course ELVIS. I love Whitney Houston and her double did a fantastic job. The Temptations were great as well, Garth, eh not so much. And Elvis was freakin scary! His performance was ok, his appearance was frightening! He almost look like something out of Madame Tussuad's Wax Museum or perhaps a bad embalming job. Blechhhh.
I'll spare you all the details of what happened when we got back to our room and started to party with BOB.
Sunday morning our hungry tummies marched right back to Harrahs for more FREE BUFFET. It was reminiscent of Homer Simpson......mmmm food, glorious food. I nearly ate myself into a diabetic coma.

Dinner took us "off" Strip (via FREE shuttle) to Rio. Every time I say Rio that song goes off in my head....when my baby smiles at me I go to Rio, De Janeiro... me oh my oh. Sorry, it's in your head now too isn't it?
So far no great winnings for me, Whynot is staying afloat on the basketball games and the roulette table and we are eating ourselves into oblivion.
Monday morning finds me all stuffy with a scratchy throat, so we are off to find a Walmart and some Claritin. Success, not only Walmart, but a 99 Cent Store as well. I envy those of you who have 99 Cent Stores, they are so much better than our Dollar Stores near J-town.
Drugs and 99 cent bargains in tow, we head south of The Strip to Henderson and the new "M" resort. Nothing much to write home about, the customer service blows. I seriously sat at a slot machine for over an hour with the change light on and NO ONE approached me. Not a cocktail waitress, not a change attendant, not a casino host, NO ONE. I finally flagged down a cocktail waitress to complain and about twenty minutes later a casino host approached me to apologize. His solution, ONE free buffet pass. Yeah thanks douche bag, there's TWO of us. I politely thanked him, because really it would have been rude to say "thanks douche bag" but we skipped the buffet. I really wanted to offer my services to work in the marketing dept, because it needs help!
Monday night.....and now the end is near and so we face the final curtain.....sniff sniff. Our last night, always so melancholy for me. Show tickets tonight to see Vinnie Favorito, everyone's favorite Italian uncle from BAAAHSTON.

This guy is flippin hilarious. He ad libs the entire show by making comments at people in the audience. No one in the showroom is safe from his quick wit, by the end of the show my jaws hurt from laughing so hard. Sorry Whynot, no humming tonight ;)
Monday morning we packed, grabbed our last FREE meal and Whynot dropped me off at the airport while he headed back to Phoenix.
Las Vegas will continue to prosper thanks to our donation. Bright light city set my soul on fire, I'll always remember I had a swingin time. Viva Las Vegas
I'll spare you all the details of what happened when we got back to our room and started to party with BOB.
Sunday morning our hungry tummies marched right back to Harrahs for more FREE BUFFET. It was reminiscent of Homer Simpson......mmmm food, glorious food. I nearly ate myself into a diabetic coma.
We had matinee tickets to see Nathan Burton, a combination comedy and magic show.

Dinner took us "off" Strip (via FREE shuttle) to Rio. Every time I say Rio that song goes off in my head....when my baby smiles at me I go to Rio, De Janeiro... me oh my oh. Sorry, it's in your head now too isn't it?
So far no great winnings for me, Whynot is staying afloat on the basketball games and the roulette table and we are eating ourselves into oblivion.
Monday morning finds me all stuffy with a scratchy throat, so we are off to find a Walmart and some Claritin. Success, not only Walmart, but a 99 Cent Store as well. I envy those of you who have 99 Cent Stores, they are so much better than our Dollar Stores near J-town.
Drugs and 99 cent bargains in tow, we head south of The Strip to Henderson and the new "M" resort. Nothing much to write home about, the customer service blows. I seriously sat at a slot machine for over an hour with the change light on and NO ONE approached me. Not a cocktail waitress, not a change attendant, not a casino host, NO ONE. I finally flagged down a cocktail waitress to complain and about twenty minutes later a casino host approached me to apologize. His solution, ONE free buffet pass. Yeah thanks douche bag, there's TWO of us. I politely thanked him, because really it would have been rude to say "thanks douche bag" but we skipped the buffet. I really wanted to offer my services to work in the marketing dept, because it needs help!
Monday night.....and now the end is near and so we face the final curtain.....sniff sniff. Our last night, always so melancholy for me. Show tickets tonight to see Vinnie Favorito, everyone's favorite Italian uncle from BAAAHSTON.

This guy is flippin hilarious. He ad libs the entire show by making comments at people in the audience. No one in the showroom is safe from his quick wit, by the end of the show my jaws hurt from laughing so hard. Sorry Whynot, no humming tonight ;)
Monday morning we packed, grabbed our last FREE meal and Whynot dropped me off at the airport while he headed back to Phoenix.
Las Vegas will continue to prosper thanks to our donation. Bright light city set my soul on fire, I'll always remember I had a swingin time. Viva Las Vegas

sounds like a great time and your LEGS look amazing in your photo. ;)
But is it REALLY rude to say "thanks douchebag" or were you joking? I've already had one snide remark taken away from me today, please don't take another.
Glad you, Whynot and BOB had a good time, even if you didn't win me anything.
And the only damn song I keep singing now is "Viva Viagra". Thanks doubly for that.
Sound like you had fun! Happy weekends
Sounds like you had a great time! I love Las Vegas!!
Great Post!
I laughed, I cried, I spewed cawfee on my screen -- and that was just the opening picture! lol
Glad you had a good time. Also glad you're back :o) -- even if you did wander off during an IM and never come back lol
Next time will you please, PLEASE take me with you!?
I cracked up over the fashionistas burning into your corneas. That bad, huh?
Glad you all had a good time but you didn't hit the big one?????
Ah, Vegas. My favorite place to vacation. And coincidently, where I'll be 55 short days with my blogging buddies!!!!
Check your email, I'm sending you a picture. It's my ex and me with Nathan Burton when we saw his show....
Vegas Baby! It's so fun. So glad your guys had fun!
Great that you had a good time! I love Vegas, but can only handle it for a few days. Too much smoke and people for me!
Sounds like a blast. I want to go to Vegas, but mostly to visit the Pinball Hall of Fame.
Yeah, I'm that much of a dork.
Woooo Hoooo! Sounds like you had a fabulous time! I really hope I get to Vegas someday...
Sounds so great. I really want to go to Vegas, now. We always go to its crappy cousin, Atlantic City.
So fun! I haven't been to Vegas in years...I love it!
goodness what a hawt couple you 2 are! sounds like a fab time was had...i so wanna go to vegas
Wow... I didn't know they let dogs go to Vegas, too. I'll have to pay closer attention next time. I'm with you and my donations to Vegas, but nice job on the free food! I'm getting hungry now just thinking of the buffets in Vegas!
Sounds like a great time! I hope your corneas recover soon.
I need Megryansmom's tip on free eats in Vegas clearly! We paid for every meal :(
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