I have taken the term Comment Whore to a whole new level. I love the comments, we've established that, but I have just discovered that in an attempt to satisfy my addiction to comments, I have begun began started going back to read the followup comments to comments I have posted around the blogosphere. I know I am a pathetic existence, in dire need of a real life. But in my defense, there is not a whole lot to do in J-Town at 5 am, when it's 160 degrees below zero. There's not a whole lot to do in J-town period.
So back to my story, yesterday Deb posted this. Go read it, it's funny in a shocking sort of way. Poor Deb, her MIL is a real piece of work. Everyone should have a MIL as wonderful and thoughtful as I am. Hmmm someone does and doesn't appreciate it. Oops sorry there I go off track again. Anyway, Deb posted her story and I commented. Today Deb comments on my post and I remembered that I posted a comment yesterday. Gee, I wonder if anyone else commented on Deb's post? What did they have to say? Off to Debland I run, in search of a quick fix.
Much to my delight I see this!!!
Blogger Megan said...
What on earth were you thinking? A woman like that will most certainly take that room! You go back in there and leave the photo and frame behind the dresser--curse the room forever!
By the way, I had a dream last night where I was hanging out with all these cool bloggers I'd met. And there was Megryansmom... with Meg Ryan. Random, I know! :)
February 3, 2009 1:36 PM
Cool bloggers and Megryansmom in the same sentence! My day is now complete, nothing can spoil this. Bring on the poopy diapers!
I'm thankful I have a good MIL and that my mom is a great MIL to Mr. C.
I'm not going to eat ALL 12 doughnuts Saturday DURING the race. I will bring them home and eat at my own pace
That, my dear MRM, is so sad. Nothing to do in Jtown but look forward to poopy diapers? Seriously look into relocating. I am truly worried.
(I do the same thing with the comments, especially if they are funny. hee!)
There isn't much to do in C-town either lol.
And I go back to funny posts too to check out later comments. Sometimes they are even funnier. ;)
I obviously need much more time so that I too can scan the commented comments and comment on them. I think I need a houseboy.
In an attempt to feed your whorishness i comment
Debs story had me LOL I would so not have given up the bigger room-she is a better person than me
Awe :)
I fear I miss people talking about my awesomeness on comments too...sadly, I can't go back to see if there is any mention of my coolness.
I sometimes stumble across someone's post and find they mention me. I'm usually finding these things a few days after they are posted. I wish that if people do mention me in their post to give me a shout-out so I can comment and not look like I'm stuck up.
Nothing to do in A-Town either. We should start a comment whore club.
Hugs and Mocha,
Is that when you know you've "made it" in the blogging world??
I'm gonna have to go read that story now.
If it's any consalation (?) to your dream, my mom reads your comments on my blog & always says "Meg, I can't believe that Meg Ryan's mom reads your blog. How exciting!!!"
Im like "Mom, it's not that Meg Ryan's mom!!!"
I will let her live the dream tho.
Hey, I'm so glad you're famous!!! :) Poopy diapers are totally better than that weekend, let me tell you.
I have to admit, I go back sometimes too! Especially on really funny posts, sometimes the comments are even better!
I never thought to do that - now I have another level to my bloggy addiction....oh g-d..I will never get the laptop off my lap.
Well DAMN!! To be mentioned in a comment that is on someone else's blog is the height of compliments.
And now there's another reason for me to feel inferior.
When people start dreaming about you...you are doing GOOD!
How my day is going is almost directly related to how many comments I get! I am relatively new but am learning about how to see and be seen around here! Please read my Freak Magnet Friday story tomorrow, I post about all the freaks that have seemed to find me in my life!
I always wonder if anyone responds to my comments but I never have time to go back and check. I have trouble even keeping on the reading of the blogs themselves!
Sometimes there's a whole nother conversation going on in the comments! I love to read them.
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