Friday, February 6, 2009

Flashback Friday

Sadly, there aren't many baby pictures of me. The few that were taken with a Kodak Instamatic Camera are black and white and blurry.

One color 8 x 10 still hangs in my mom's bedroom in Fair Grove, Missouri. A professional portrait by Fred Fox or some other Chicago area photographer of the time. Someday I'll snatch that up with the rest of the photo albums, but for now I'll let it remain on her wall so she can pretend she likes me.

Of the photos I have in my possession, this family shot at the zoo, circa 1963. No exact date, but judging from my size and those shoes, it must have been close to my 1st birthday in October.

Introducing, my dad Jan, my mother Lillian and me, Megryansmom in a Friday Flashback.

p.s. I have no idea what all the fuss was about Ling Ling and Hsing Hsing in 1972. Clearly we had pandas at the Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago in 1963!

p.p.s. Go visit TMI for more Friday Flashbacks!

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I am Harriet said...

AAAAHHHH! So many memories!

Unknown said...

adorable picture! Oh my, I do remember those cameras! Truly agree about the panda hype!
Great post!

Anonymous said...

OMG I remember that exact camera!! My parents used to own one when I was little. I remember those nightlight flash bulbs... and then later on the cube bulbs... WOW memories!!!

Adorable photo. Are you sitting on the ACTUAL panda bear in that photo or a statue of one? Looks real to me...

Anonymous said...

Sis had one of those camera's. I loved the rotating flash cube... how handy was that!

The Blue Ridge Gal

Unknown said...

OMGosh my ena still has a camera like that...i remember those darn flash bulb thingys
Love the photo Rita!

Cajoh said...

OMG My sister has a very similar picture of her when my parents took her to Lincoln Park Zoo. My wife and I went there this past Sunday— too bad many of the animals were "Off Exhibit".

Unknown said...

Dude, I did not even notice the panda until you said something about Ling Ling and then I had to look back up @ the picture and I totally see a panda under your butt. I am still kind of groggy this morning I think...yeah, that's it.

Cheryl Lage said...

SOOOOO had that same camera too!
What a great shot. :)

Heatherlyn said...

I found your site from the Mr. Linky at Tara's site.

I didn't realize that Panda Bears could be so tame. That's a really neat picture.

Anonymous said...

I only have one baby picture all the rest got burned up in a fire. It would be so nice to be able to look back at photos and reminisce. I also remember those cameras.

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Great picture! I love older photos.

Akum said...

Love the pics. Happy weekends

Tara Bennett said...

Oh my goodness. That is a serious flashback. I LOVE it! What a priceless photo! Thanks for playing along! =)

Maggii said... parents had that same camera!! I remember it well!

Anonymous said...

well this camera looks like a dinosaur - a lovely dinosaur...Happy blogging

Dawn said...

OMG! I remember my parents having a camera like that. What a flash back!

I love the pictures! :)

Counselormama said...

I love old pics like that! I have some on my Facebook, but not on my blog! Don't forget about Freak Magnet Friday!

Unknown said...

That is really cool...most of my pictures burned in a house fire my mom had when I was growing up. :(

Kaci said...

HEHE! I bet that camera is worth something though...sadly I don't have many baby pictures either...I was the thrid daughter. :(

jill jill bo bill said...

TOO adorable! And Redd Foxx took your picture? I had no idea he was a photographer!!! said...

My parents had a camera like that and they'd blow on the bulb to cool it off.

Was that panda safe??? I'm not sure I'd be sitting my little bottom on it unless I was sure he wasn't going to eat me!

Jenni said...

That is a GREAT picture!

Jennifer-Eighty MPH Mom said...

Clearly you did have Pandas! What an adorable look like a baby doll!

Please check out my Flashback Friday:

The Rambler said...

I kept that a real Panda? Wow, what a great photo!!!

Visiting from Tara's flashback Friday linky love fest.

Unknown said...

I love that photo! And I think my Dad had a camera like that.

P.S. My mom is also named Lillian!

Anonymous said...

Awesome picture! Shame the Lincoln Park Zoo doesn't have stuff like that anymore, but to this day, it's still one of the best zoos in the country -- and it's FREE!

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