Wednesday, February 25, 2009

PMS-ing on Ash Wednesday

PMS and Ash Wednesday, they have an S in common, S as in snake and today I am mean as a snake.

I was genuinely going to take Georgie's Love Dare. I failed on day 4.

Day 4-Love is thoughtful

How precious also are Your thoughts to me. . . .
How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them,
they would outnumber the sand. —Psalm 139:17–18

The Dare:

Contact your spouse sometime during
the business of the day. Have no agenda
other than asking how he or she
is doing and if there is anything
you could do for them.

It surely wasn't thoughtful of me when I screamed at Whynot, "get a fucking calendar douche bag, follow along, yeah it's PMS, now leave me alone!"

Luckily, it was yesterday and doesn't count towards my Lenten resolution of being a kinder person. Besides I think Bishop Sartain would allow a special dispensation for PMS. Yeah I'm so sure of it, that I think I'll go eat that last paczki now. The fasting regulations don't apply if it would negatively affect my health or ability to work. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. But just in case, I'll say five Hail Marys.

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Jenni said...

LOL! I think douchebag is a term of endearment! No worries...

Da Old Man said...

I have no idea what a paczki is, but now that I know there is only one left, I want it more than anything in the world.

Annikke said...

That is funny!! And I'm sure there is a clause some where that allows for some grace when a woman is PMS_ing, I mean if not there should be!

Cindy Lou Who said...

LOL - You are hilarious! There are many days I wanna scream at DH and wonder how they DONT know it's PMS week!

Blu said...

Are you safe ???? you growl as well?


French Fancy... said...

PMS is a get out clause for anything and everything that you want to do - without any repurcussions - stuff the lot of them

Kathy B! said...

"get a fucking calendar douche bag, follow along, yeah it's PMS, now leave me alone!"

I'm going to have that tattoed high up on my forehead so that I can just lift my bangs and any fool standing in front of me will instantly know the score...

I'll let you know if Wenda stops by. If she knows what's good for her she'll take the day off!

Debz said...

That was pretty rough, I would throw in an Our Father too just to play it safe.

Anonymous said...

Uh oh! There's always tomorrow though!

Cajoh said...

Glad to hear you are taking on something to better yourself. I did that once and called it my three imps:

Good luck with your Lenten challenge.

Anonymous said...

See, I don't think that eating fried dough warrants 5 Hail Marys.

If, however, you suggested that your Bishop get a calendar while he was putting ashes on your forehead...perhaps then. Although I suppose that would be more of a 5 rosary and extra-penance situation.

Tim said...

That was funny! If your doing the Love Dare from the movie Fireproof try and stick to it. I did it myself adn I can tell you that it isnt easy as all to stick to so give yourself a day off every now and then but make sure your do it all. It will do things for you you couldnt have imagined.

I love your National Follow Me Month! I'll follow you if you follow me!

I found you thru entrecard. I am knew to it and still totally lost on what to do.

God Bless,

Tim @ Fort Thompson

Dawn said...

PMS just sucks. It ruins lots of things!

Better luck tomorrow! LOL! said...

Hope all the hail Marys work for you. I would think that it could be a term of endearment too.

If you put "precious" in front of the word douche bag,it really counts as a term of endearment.

Leah said...

OH NO! (but thanks for the laugh, that was hilarious!)

DeeX said...

AH I know why I love you so much my sweet third, DOUCHE BAG is one of my favorite swear words. I have the final episode of Will and Grace saved on my DVR because Rosario says to Karen "you broke my ankle you douche bag." When I need a laugh I watch it over and over.
Thank you m'dear for my laugh of the day!!!

Stacy Uncorked said...

AHAHAHAHAHA! I can so relate...hubby not only needs a calendar, he needs bright flashing lights or something, because he'll forget 2 seconds after I mention it's PMS week. He's lucky I haven't caused great bodily harm... (grin!!!)

Anonymous said...

DAMN!! Look at all the readers you've got!! All I can say is PMS......bwaahaahaaa You don't have a CLUE what true hell is until you start menopause!! During that time, I literally scared my wasbund to death. I backed him into a wall in the garage and was getting ready to kick the crap out of him!! I'd pay good money to re-do that day just so I could see the look on his face again!!!!

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

There is definitely special dispensation for PMS. For sure.

Counselormama said...

Ok, this is weird, but you are the second person I know in blogworld to mention Packzi (sp?) what gives? I am so curious!

3 Bay B Chicks said...

I think what you meant to say was five hail Marys and two Our Fathers, right? That was always the standard penance whenever I went to confession. Wasn't it for you too?

Just swung by Kathy B's and learned that the cops are on my tail?! WTF...did you rat me out over that broken window after our last party on The Avenue, Megryansmom? You know that I blame Vodka Mom for that.


Unknown said...

Lucy Filet said...

Where do you find Paczki?

Ours were all gone before Fat Tuesday. Paczki are eaten on Fat Thursday here (tlusty czwartek).

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