Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lots of Magazine Deals

Surely one of your resolutions this year was to save money and I am more than happy to help you save money when spending.

Go "SPAVE" (thanks to Meghan for that delightful term.)

Here's a link I got in email for FREE subscriptions to

Family Fun



Computer Shopper

Weight Watchers

Parenting (2 years)

Thanks to My Shopping Addiction

Family Circle 15 issues for $3

Thanks to

Bargain Central

More Magazine 10 issues FREE

Discount Mags has magazines for $3.50 each for 1-year subscription

Men’s Fitness coupon 2009MF (10 issues)

Weight Watchers with coupon 2009WW (6 issues)

Muscle & Fitness with coupon 2009MANDF (12 issues)

ESPN with coupon 2009ESPN (26 issues)

Thanks to My Penny Pile

Forbes One year FREE

Nylon One year FREE

Currently, at you can get a Field and Stream one year subscription for free after watching a few commercials. Bookmark and check back frequently as the offers change. You know, in case Field and Stream is not your thing. I'm just sayin.

Thanks to Three Bay B Chicks

To try out reading your magazines online (they have virtually everything available), go to to get your one year subscription, digitally, for FREE.

Thanks to


Deal Seeking Mom

Wondertime TWO year subscription FREE

and if you just click here, Deal Seeking Mom has a ton more!

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Kristen said...

Wow thanks for the tips. I need the WW. With all this running I still haven't lost any pounds. I guess it would help if I cut back on the eatting :)
I think I'll switch the pouch from change to ibuprofen too since I haven't seen a pay phone in years.

Meghan said...

You said spave!!!
Love it.

I just signed up for Parenting & I am trying to get my dad to sign up for Weight Watchers.

Thanks for the link chica!

Vodka Mom said...

THANKS!!! I'm off to sign up!!! said...

Thank you! As much as I don't need anymore magazines, I like More magazine and also Family Fun now that there's a little Boo in the house.

Leah said...

You know what's funny? I started getting Parents or Parenting (I get them both but I can't remember which one came with the deal originally) because it was giving me two years for the price of one, PLUS, a friend could get a two year subscription for no additional charge. So I signed myself and my neighbor up. The subscription has long since run out, but I still get one every few months telling me it's my last chance to renew! LOL

I read the magazine for YEARS, but my kids keep me too busy to sit down and READ much of anything lately.

Linda S said...

I love magazines! thanks! I'm going to check these out...

Undomesticated said...

The Parenting one is apparently not free. My daughter signed up for it and she gets a bill about every other week.

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