Monday, January 5, 2009

Another Manic Monday

Welcome back to reality. The holiday's are over. Chop chop back to the grind. If you were too busy to blog over the weekend go check this out and this here too. One more, thanks Annie for letting me go first ; 0 Back already? Did you remember to leave a comment for Annie? No? Go back, I'll wait right here. NOW! MARCH MARCH MARCH!

My weekend was nice and lazy, just the way I like them. Saturday night Whynot and I went to Chili's. They have THE. BEST. BACON. CHEESE. BURGERS. But the excitement didn't end there. Oh no, we know how to have a good time, Whynot and I. We drove to the nearest Super Target. Be still my heart. I've never been to one before! I wish it were closer, I'd shout SCREW YOU SUPER WALMART.

As I wandered through aisle after aisle in total euphoria I was often greeted by a very polite and eloquent Target employee. "Hi ma'am, can I help you find something?" It's exactly what I imagine grocery shopping in Heaven will be like. Because after all those years of Walmart shopping, there is NO doubt. I am going to Heaven!

It was clean. There were no transient families camping out at the head of the aisles. It was clean. The shelves were well stocked and neat. Oh yeah, did I mention it was CLEAN? The employees were so polite. It was like that movie Pleasantville.

All that fantasy inspired be to conduct a little scientific experiment on Sunday.

I asked myself the question: Will mold grow on a husband who sits on the couch watching football and hockey all day? The results are a startling NO. So there you have it, I've done all the work for you, just show this to your husbands and there will be no need to conduct the experiment in your own homes.

Happy Monday everyone. I'll be here munching on my Archer Farms Apricot Yogurt Oat Bars, wondering about things like mesothelioma, school loan consolidation, and cheapest auto insurance.

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Vodka Mom said...

Psssst. I LOVE LOVE LOVE Target. However, Wal-mart is like a horrible addiction I am trying to hide. I really DO love one stop shopping. crap.

Unknown said...

OH yeah! Super Target and I are BESTIES! : )
Try the Archer Farms chocolate drizzle snack mix stuff. So tasty!

That's good to know about the hubs not growing mold. I as wondering about that... ; )

Unknown said...

megryansmom...thank you for all the time you put into this study, flow charts and all. It is appreciated!
Great post to start the new year!!!!

~AirmanMom returning to her blog...

Unknown said...

well they may not grow mold BUT they sure get stinky!
LOL I LOVED your spotlight at Annies-and left a question for you

Anonymous said...

Your chart is too funny!

Happy Monday to you as well.

Akum said...

I Love Target.. Thanks for the chart. It was hilarious

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

What about moss growing in the wife who sits and watched football all weekend? Does that throw a wrench into the findings?

Hooray for Target!

Debz said...

Mmmmmm. Archer Farms. I love Target.

Well except for the rude associates at my local store.

We are expected to have a SUPER TARGET built here within the next 1.5 years. I cannot wait

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!
I'm baaaaaaaaack

Leah said...

I love Target as well, but the closest wal-mart to me actually isn't all that bad. I guess it used to be (from what I hear) but besides always being insanely crowded, I've never noticed anything wonky or dirty.

happy monday!

Kristen said...

Love Super Target...I just wish they would add another 20 check out lines because the 40 check out lines ours have always have about 30 people in each with a cart full to the roof!

Annie said...

It is a travesty that this was your first SuperTarget stop.I have 3 within 10 minutes of me and 2 more regular Target's. Addictive!

OHmommy said...

I have a terrible addiction to our super Target.

Betsy Hart said...

I totally wanna go to one. And I have always wanted to say SCREW YOU SUPER WALMART!! lol. Though, by the sounds of it, ours is slightly different than yours. I work there, so that automatically makes it bettter! AND ROFL! About the husband statement. Mine was watching football all day. Just when I thought he was done he was watching commentaries on Fox sports. AUGH!!!

Anonymous said...

I have not seen a super Target. It must be grand indeed! You're so lucky!

AutoSysGene said...

Wow, first time in a SuperTarget...where do you live? I spend most of my time shopping in Target...I can't remember the last time I've been in a Walmart...icky!

Julie said...

We don't have Super Target! We also don't have a Chili's within 25 miles and we used to go ALL THE TIME for Presidente Margarita's and is depressing. SOmetimes I hate CT.

Kaci said...

Me and Target are like this...crossing fingers.

Country Mouse, City Mouse said...

On my visits to the U.S. I have not stumbled upon the Super Target, but the regular Target I have visited are pretty great. I can just imagine the 'super'.

Happy Monday.

Jenni said...

There is no such animal as a Super Target in these parts...we just have plain old Target.

Clair Boone @ said...

Yeah we don't have it either. Where is JTown? is that Near a Super Target in IL? I think mine is too far!

Nessa said...

Are you SURE they don't grow mold. I sure thought they did but i'll trust ya on this one.

I wonder if the same holds for kids playing video games?

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