Saturday, December 6, 2008

Dec 6th

The other day my bloggy friend OHMommy posted all about Polish Christmas traditions. Traditions that we also partake in on The Avenue. Traditions that I hope my children and grandchildren will continue to celebrate. Today I'd like to share one more Polish tradition with you.

On St. Nicholas Day, in the very early morning of December 6th, the children are surprised by small gifts left in their shoes by Sw. Mikolaj (me co' why). In Poland, Sw. Mikolaj is not a big chubby guy with a red Santa hat , red Jacket, and riding boots. Instead, he is a saintly, more dignified figure, dressed in the regal red and gold robe, wearing a cape and bishops miter, and carrying a crosier (a crooked staff, the symbol of a bishop, as the shepherd of his flock). Sw. Mikolaj was revered because of his compassion and love for orphans whom he often visited and comforted with little gifts. He travels the countryside on foot, or occasionally on a white horse, blessing the children, and distributing goodies from house to house to well behaved children. Sw. Mikolaj does not live at the North Pole, but up in Heaven.

Sw. Mikolaj is called the “Father of Christmas”, known to children in America as “Santa Claus”.

Happy Birthday St Nicholas from TOF and

and thank you Dear Readers for being here for my 1st 100 posts.
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That Janie Girl said...

Happy 100th!

What a neat story about St. Nicholas day!

Unknown said...

you dont look a day over 21 BUT congrats on the 100th post ;-)

I tell you what i have been learning so much these past few days on others blogs....Loved this story/History/tradition

jill jill bo bill said...

Happy happy 100th. And I always feel so much smarter after reading you. Why couldn't you have been one of my history teachers...since I am pretty sure being a big 3 years older than me, I would have paid attention to you so much more than I actually did...

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

I love learning about traditions...much more deeply rooted than our very young "Americanized" version of things!

Susan said...

And in Holland they also get treats left in their shoes, by Sinteerclaus, who also looks quite a bit more like your picture above. But apparently he just comes up from Italy lol.

Happy Holidays!

Susan said...

oh and congrats on 100 posts!

You have set the bar high. lol maybe too high for me ;o)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 100 :) Thanks for visiting us :)

OHmommy said...

me co' why

that is the BEST pronouncation.

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Cool! We got to learn something cool today!

Merry Belated SITSmas! Is the eggnog all gone?

Julie D said...

Congrats on reaching 100! Isn't it fun?? I just noticed I've done like 260 since April! Guess I never shut up...

Kaci said...

Happy 100th!

travel girl said...

Happy 100!

Thanks for sharing the story.

amelia bedelia said...

Ok,happy 100, too! I'm almost there!

bv said...

I love the traditional stuff! I would have guessed you had way more than 100 posts! You're a blogging machine!!!

Vodka Mom said...

Happy 100th!

Kristen said...

Congratulations on the 100th post. Thanks for sharing the polish traditions.

Julie said...

HAPPY 100!!!!!!

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