Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sunday Stealing

I found this meme here at Mary's, but she found it over at Carmen's who found it here at Sunday Stealing. Whew, that's a lot of stealing. It looked like fun and I'm all about fun. So sit back, enjoy your morning coffee and read my meme.

But 1st speaking of coffee, I have a new addiction and it's bad! Oh on so many levels it's bad. I like cawfee, no I love coffee. There is no life without coffee. My coffee must have cream, NOT MILK, cream, genuine half and half. It's one of the luxuries in life I will not do without. I know, that bar is wayyyy down in the basement, but hey, it works for me. So I have MY coffee with my nice plain Dean's 1/2 and 1/2, but Augie Dawgs likes fancy flavored cream, so when it's on sale, I buy some whackie flavor and she gets all giddy and feels special and for a moment I am no longer the WICKED Stepmother. Now I have tried these flavored creamers and I don't care for most of them. Until the Coffee Mate Peppermint Mocha. Holy Mother of God, it's like an orgasm with every sip!

Now Jewel had these creamers on sale last week and I bought 3. I now have 1 1/2 left. So off to market I go, where there is NOT.ONE.SINGLE.PEPPERMINT.MOCHA.CREAMER. Surely they heard me scream miles away. No problem, I have 2 other stores I need to stop at. Again NOT.ONE.SINGLE.PEPPERMINT.MOCHA.CREAMER. Gone! I'm now shaking like a crack whore needing a fix, I'm almost in tears.

This is a seasonal flavor and the season is almost over!

Coffee Mate how could you do this? For the love of all things sacred, and for the mental health of this insane Polish Blogger, puleese increase production of this nectar of the gods.

Now let me just refill my mug and the hand tremors should cease shortly. I bring you a stolen meme.

1. What is a nickname a former (or present) lover gave you?

We swore we would never call each other Mommy and Daddy, but when TOF came along all bets were off. Whynot sometimes calls me Mema.

2. How do you style your hair? If you just would say "cut" what style is it?

You're supposed to style your hair? Pfft my hair has a mind of it's own, I stopped fighting with it several years ago. It's chin length and in the morning I say "do your thing" Sometimes it's nice to me and sometimes I look like this.

3. What's your least favorite Christmas song?

It used to be my favorite, but now for obvious reasons I don't like it "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer.

4. How many colors are you wearing now?

One. PINK!

5. Are you an introvert or extrovert?

mmm a little of both

6. What was the last book you read?

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

7. What's one piece of fiction that changed your life?

It's a Wonderful Life

8. If you are attracted to someone who is already in a relationship (or married), what might do you do?

Been there done that, I went in for the kill. We're very happy now.

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy recently?


10. What's your favorite dessert?

Cheesecake and coffee

11. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

I can be ready to go in less than a half hour. Seriously, shower, makeup, hair and all. 29 minutes.

12. Name one website that you visit daily. Why do you read it?

My online banking, to see how far I have to stretch the almighty dollar that day.

13. What was your last job before either you are at home or at another job??

I transferred millions of dollars internationally for a large bank. Legally of course.

14. Do you like to clean?

Clean what? My mouse? Oh hell yeah! A clean mouse is a happy mouse. My house? Mmm not so much, not at all.

15. What was the last song to get stuck in your head?

He's a Hero, he's a guy. You're welcome!

16. What's the last movie you saw?

Franklin's Christmas

17. Pirates or Ninjas?

Well the Pirates are from Pittsburgh and they play baseball. Who are the Ninjas?

18. What is your least favorite thing to do that you have to do everyday?

I'm really tired of crappy diapers. Please Santa, see My Grown Up Christmas List.

19. Best time of your life?

Watching TOF's birth. Being on the other end is amazing! And hurts a little less.

20. What are you most looking forward to in the coming year?

Right at this moment, SUMMER, ask me again when it's a sweltering 95 degrees and humid and that answer will change.

Wow that was a long one. If you're all still here, thank you and have a great Sunday.

Don't forget tree #2.
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Bud Fisher said...

Welcome to Sunday Stealing! We are a crazy bunch. But were good at checking out everyone's responses. I love "It's a Wonderful Life" myself! Happy Sunday...

Sujomi said...

I don't care for the "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer" song either. Have a great Sunday!

Susan said...

still voting even down here in LR but this puter only lets me vote once a day not twice and I dare not add an account to it or gpa will get 'fused. He has his routines.

I think Kamilla must be cheating lol. BUT I went back to see what her name was and it DID let me vote again. So give it a try peeps, we have some catching up to do!

Leah said...

Bummer about the seasonal coffee creamers. Some of those seasonal ones are pretty darn GOOD! I guess it gives you something to look forward for next Christmas season? LOL!

It was fun reading all your answers!

Annie said...

Hey, you little thief! I just saw that in my store last night. SHoudl I overnight you some!?!?!?

Unknown said...

I put hershys syrup in my coffee weird I know and an occasional marshmello even stranger i
I just voted for your tree...

cute meme!

Clara said...

I never touch coffee myself. I know you're drawing back in horror ready to delete my comment. But before you click that mouse just remember that leaves more for you!

I voted for your tree! I see you're in second place!

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

I feel your pain...I am hopelessly addicted to Oregon Trail Chai Tea...only in the liquid concentrate. CAN. NOT. BE. THE. POWDER.

I live in fear of me not being able to get it.

I swear they put drugs in those darn things. said...

I love love love that creamer and I am not sure how I will survive without it! Maybe we could freeze it.


That Janie Girl said...

I guess I could go to the store and see if they have some here and overnight it to you???


I would SO do that.

Kwizgiver said...

Good luck with the creamer. I feel your pain.


Thanks for visiting my Sunday Stealing.

Julie D said...

Mmmm...yeah, love that stuff. You can get a Peppermint Mocha coffee at Starbucks too, FYI. And they can make it all year round! (Although I have issues with drinking hot peppermint stuff in the freaking summertime!)

My current fav is the Sweet Italian Creme flavor. I think you need to try that as well...but don't say you weren't warned.

Jenni said...

My favorite is the Coffemate Coconut creamer. Mmmmmmmm...

I voted for your tree AND I clicked on your entrecard!

Betsy Hart said...

That sounds like a fun one, can I steal from you?

And I am addicted to the creamer too!!

Jayne d'Arcy said...

A fun meme. Good to meet you and thanks for dropping by.

Tara Bennett said...

It's a Wonderful Life is definitely life-altering! ;O)

Akum said...

can't live without coffee!!! ITs a must

Akum said...

can't live without coffee!!! ITs a must

Purple Stinky Onion (PSO) said...

I love that hair sytle with The Donald, it made me laugh!

Dawn said...

This was a fun meme. I may have to do it sometime!

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