What I'm talking about are New Year's Resolutions. You know, goals dreams and ambitions. I'm not a big fan of making resolutions, mainly because after the hangover has worn off, the dead brain cells can't remember what I've resolved.
Oh yeah there's the usual standbys....lose weight, eat healthy, stop nagging as much, blah blah blah. By February it's so cold here on The Avenue that I need to weigh 350 lbs just to stay warm and all that's left to eat is two month old Christmas candy, because I haven't ventured out in the cold to replenish the pantry. All that sugar messes up my endocrine levels and I have no choice but to nag.
In addition to those resolutions, I always try to think of something meaningful. Something for the good of all. I like to think I'm on a one woman mission to save the world, but unfortunately I'm failing miserably.
So I'm turning to you, faithful readers Leave a comment telling me what is it you resolve to do differently in 2009? How will you make 2009 a better year? Reflect on those changes and make a commitment to a better you!

All this blogging is showing me there are still kind people out there. I would like to resolve to be kinder in the new year...volunteer, donate time, just help others
I resolve to make the perfect towel whip and to tan my husband's ass while perfecting it.
The world will be a better place because of it. I swear.
I'm not really going to resolve to lose weight. I am goig to resolve to eat healthier, health issues. I also am going to resolve to be less of a pack rack and start getting rid of things. I have two bedrooms just packed with stuff. Need to go!
It also means only 16 days until my birthday! Pray for the life of my husband that he realizes this!
As far as resolutions I've only ever made one and that was two years ago. I resolved to allow myself to have a serious or semi serious relationship. I met my husband the day after I made it and married him 3 months later. So, I have resolved to never make another resolution!
Oh man... are we already 1/2 through December? Geesh, where did the time go?
I resolve to drink something other than just straight vodka.
I don't make resolutions...I just end up breaking them. I am trying to eat better and take better care of myself, but I started doing that in October.
Oh hell I haven't even thought of that yet. =>
I'm like Deb. I don't make resolutions. I can't keep them. I just do the best I can with each new day. (some days are better than others! LOL)
Great post!
I resolve to write more.
Hmmm, try to see my family more often would probably me mine, no matter the cost.
If the stock market ever goes back up, I resolve to sell everything and never, ever, buy stock again.
I resolve to organize all my closets. I have 2 done. And that took me a year to do.
My goal is to stay the healthier self that i have become over the past 4 months!
Susan WHO? loll
Besides losing weight, exercising more and making more money, I resolve to try and get prego. Because I am 30 now, and, quite simply, it's time.
Well, I'm going to...
I am going....
Ummmm....can I get back to you on that?
I resolve to be funnier, smarter, and prettier in 2009!
Wish me luck with all that...
No resolutions.. yet!
Just passing through. Love the name of your blog!
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