Sunday, November 9, 2008

NaBloPoMo Failure

For those of you living under a bloggy rock, NaBloPoMo is National Blog Posting Month. You blog everyday for the entire month of November. Simple enough right? Pfft...

I considered signing up, but I already knew this would just be one more thing to add to my long list of failures and or uncompleted tasks. And a long list it is, you see I have this thing called a life, sorry as it is, it comes with it's own extensive list of requirements.

I often wonder what it is I do everyday that keeps me so busy. I spin wheels, I take one step forward to take two or seventy eleven steps back. Halloween is behind me, Thanksgiving is approaching and Jenni, oh thoughtful Jenni reminds me daily how many days until the Fat Guy cometh. Forty six days today if you must know.

FORTY SIX days people!! I have my Secret Santa package all set to be mailed. Well not exactly, I have items in a box, while I think of a creative way, an over the top way to make my package stand out, because that's just how I am. I'll end up just wrapping it up and mailing it off to a person who lives on a Lane and hope for the best. I have an ornament to purchase for the ornament exchange and send off to my swap partner who lives on a Road.

I'm not planning Thanksgiving dinner this year. Even though I've passed the hat to Augie Dawgs and we technically eat at her house, I still have to do most of the preparations. Not this year! I'm off to visit Big Brother, the SIL and Babcia (my mom) on The Ranch. This year I will be in charge of nothing. Well I'll volunteer to do the dishes, because let's face it, to this city girl that is far more appealing than mucking stalls and doing whatever it is you do to horses! Oh and I will eat bacon! Because SIL fries up bacon and it doesn't frighten her in the least bit.

Which brings me back to what the heck is it that I do all day, that keeps me so busy?? So busy that I can't blog every day during the month of November! Who's idea was November? In my opinion February would be a much better month for this challenge. February, you know, the short month. The one where you'd only have to blog 28 posts. The month where it's so cold here on The Avenue that there is nothing to do but blog.

So today, November 9th, 2008 my warped little mind, I declare that NaBloPoMo be moved to February, for me at least.

I will continue to spend the month of November spinning wheels and checking with Jenni for the official countdown.

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Anonymous said...

You are being a wise woman to choose to NOT beat yourself up about posting daily! Why turn something that brings you joy into a CHORE!?

We tend to do that with so many things in our lives -- Holiday preparations being the first thing that comes to my mind!

Better to just relax and let the spirit move you -- to post, to decorate, to celebrate -- LIFE!

1 of 3

Unknown said...

47 days till the big fat guy comes huh? some would say i live with the big fat guy...i kid i kid I am so excited for the holidays

Jenni said...

LOL! I am just trying to HELP!

February would be better, I think!

jill jill bo bill said...

I agree....too much stress causes lame posts. I am guilty of just writing to write. Then I write about my crotch and it all goes straight to hell....

I live on a Drive, so I am saddened that you don't have me as your SSS. sniff

Debz said...

I live on a Court so I must not be your SSS partner either. Feel free to send me something anyway, I won't turn it down.
I did the commenting for a month one - it had a catchy acronym, but I don't remember it - old age.
I enjoyed it immensely and "met" some of my great bloggy buddies that way, but when it was over - OMG was I happy it was over. Not a commitment I plan to make again.
I really need to get to doing my SSS shopping before Georgie yells at me about the RULES again.

Betsy Hart said...

I didn't even know such a month exists. :) I usually write all my blog posts ahead of time, so I am a few days out, I post daily. Have been since May, maybe april. But it isn't that hard once you get into a rytham. Maybe mine are boring though... not too many comments. :(

J'Ollie Primitives said...

Betsy ~ I went to your blog to shower you with comments but your profile didn't have a blog name listed :( Consider this one YOURS.

47 days? YESYESYES. Even if we eat baloney for Christmas it's going to be GREAT.

Julie D said...

Dammit, I'm a Place. Arrrgh.

Annie said...

Well, crap. I'm a STREET. Are you just throwing me off?!?!?!?

Abounader Photography said...

Great Post!!

Leah said...

ahh nuts. I forgot about Nablopomo this year. and I've already failed. No one ever reads on Sundays, so I stopped posting on Sundays. Unless I'm really inspired. ha!

February sounds good. and it's a short month.

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

hey thanks for stopping by today! I'll announce the winner of my giveaway tomorrow.

travel girl said...

I'm a court.


Kristin - The Goat said...

I'm part of NaBloPoMo but I tend to post everyday anyway - however, I haven't gotten my Secret Santa gift or my ornament for the ornament exchange. I'm going home for Thanksgiving and we are having Christmas while I'm home -- I haven't shopped for that either. I may be blogging each day, but it looks like you've got the rest of it all together!


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