I've been sick, vewy vewy sick. The kind of sick that has you on a short leash between your bed and the bathroom kind of sick. The kind of sick that has you off of work for two days and the sound of the negative ka ching ka ching being subtracted from your paycheck makes you even more sick kind of sick. But I'm better and I'm back and I have snippets.
First of all! Hey Mr. Sun! Welcome back, where have you been? You peeked out for a bit yesterday and then took off into hiding again, but this morning, there you were all bright eyed and bushy tailed. All this rain has been ridiculous. We haven't even been able to go to the pumpkin farm yet and we're running out of time. I don't even want to think about my sadly neglected landscaping.
Had time to do some serious bonding with my DVR, caught up on my regular shows and even watched 2 movies. The first one being Juno, can I just say it was super gay and I mean no offense to the gay community, but the movie sucked eggs. It had potential but it was just too far out there for me to enjoy. But the second movie, 27 Dresses was cute cute cute! Loved it!
If by chance I have managed to keep any one's attention this far, there are a few rewards!
I still have this contest going on here.
Plus Uprinting.com is offering my readers TWO more prizes!

Uprinting custom stickers are perfect for creating product labels, unique business cards, promotional stickers and more. They want to offer you an opportunity to try their amazing product for yourselves.
Giveaway #2 Prize Details
250 Stickers/Labels for One (1) lucky winner
Sizes: 2” x 3.5”, 2” x 4”, or 3” x 3”
Paper: 70 lb Label Matte
Specifications: Full color front, blank back; 4 Business Day printing
To sweeten the pot, Uprinting is even offering FREE UPS Ground Shipping in the USA (Canadian residents need to pay shipping and taxes). Offer is not available to residents outside the US and Canada.
To enter Giveaway #2, please leave a comment telling me how you would use your stickers should you win this giveaway. You can enter all three drawings however, you can only win one prize.
I've already decided that my stickers will be a Christmas gift for TOF's bus driver Ms. Julie. She passes out a sticker to each child on the bus everyday for good behavior and I suspect she buys her own stickers. 250 custom stickers should last her a couple months, I just need to come up with a clever design for them ;)
Giveaway #3 Prize Details
100 Postcards for one lucky winner
Size: 4x6
Paper: 14pt Cardstock Gloss
Printing: Full color both sides

Also with FREE UPS Ground Shipping and same deal as above for my Canadian friends.
Leave a SEPARATE comment for Giveaway #3 telling me how you would use your postcards for one entry.
Tweet about this contest for another entry.

Uprinting custom stickers are perfect for creating product labels, unique business cards, promotional stickers and more. They want to offer you an opportunity to try their amazing product for yourselves.
Giveaway #2 Prize Details
250 Stickers/Labels for One (1) lucky winner
Sizes: 2” x 3.5”, 2” x 4”, or 3” x 3”
Paper: 70 lb Label Matte
Specifications: Full color front, blank back; 4 Business Day printing
To sweeten the pot, Uprinting is even offering FREE UPS Ground Shipping in the USA (Canadian residents need to pay shipping and taxes). Offer is not available to residents outside the US and Canada.
To enter Giveaway #2, please leave a comment telling me how you would use your stickers should you win this giveaway. You can enter all three drawings however, you can only win one prize.
I've already decided that my stickers will be a Christmas gift for TOF's bus driver Ms. Julie. She passes out a sticker to each child on the bus everyday for good behavior and I suspect she buys her own stickers. 250 custom stickers should last her a couple months, I just need to come up with a clever design for them ;)
Giveaway #3 Prize Details
100 Postcards for one lucky winner
Size: 4x6
Paper: 14pt Cardstock Gloss
Printing: Full color both sides

Also with FREE UPS Ground Shipping and same deal as above for my Canadian friends.
Leave a SEPARATE comment for Giveaway #3 telling me how you would use your postcards for one entry.
Tweet about this contest for another entry.
Uprinting has provided me 250 custom stickers and 100 postcards for this blog post, I received no other compensation from them
Awwww - Baby is sooooo adorable. Love the pose with the monkey. And glad to hear you are feeling better now! Being sick is yucky :(
I love that pose... I wish I'd thoguht of that with the wee ones, but I wasn't smart enough. A friend of mine has done it every month with her now two year old, and it's AMAZING to see how he's grown over time. Don't give up after one year!
Hope you feel better soon.
Oh - and the stickers I'd make up some fun encouraging ones that I could put on the wee ones' "homework" that they like to do, as Mister Man gets "graded" in school and wants me to do it at home, too.
For the postcards, I'd take a picture of the kids at the preschool holding up Thank You in letters and make thank you postcards from the PTO to send out to all the businesses who donate to us over the course of the year. We run out of thank you notes EVERY year (which is a good thing, considering our needs).
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