and crafting too.
Before Baby was born, I asked my friend Leah if she could make him a sweater set. I left the creativity up to her and the end result was amazing!!
The sweater and matching cap are boutique quality and workmanship. We've washed it, by hand of course and it's held up beautifully. The knots are double tied and will not unravel.
Leah has recently begun selling some of her crafts through her website, click the link and head over to see what she has to offer. I think you'll find she's very creative and also reasonably priced. Check out the note cards and think teacher gifts for Christmas!
I'd also like to congratulate the winner of the 1st Uprinting giveaway. Lola, from Lola's Diner is the winner of 250 custom business cards. Lola, you'll be hearing from Uprinting by October 23rd with information on how to redeem your prize! Congrats!
Don't forget I still have Giveaway #2 and #3 going on for custom stickers and postcards.
Be sure to check out for all your printing needs.
OMGosh cute cute cute your precious sweet baby and sweater set
That baby is adorable!
Thank you for the business cards. We will be putting them to good use.
too cute, the baby AND the sweater set.
OMG... Adorable! Definitely checking out Leah's site!
That is such a cute sweater set. So sweet. Thanks for letting us know about your friends talent.
He's getting so big!! My grandma used to crochet all kinds of sweater sets for her great-grandchildren. I love them!
Thank you for the mention! I appreciate it! He does look awfully sweet in that set! (Is he a big baby?? It looks like it JUST fits him!)
Baby is ADORABLE!! He looks entirely snuggly and sweet.
The sweater set was a adorable empty, but filled up with that
very sweet baby it's spectacular : )
I popped over from Leah's blog.
Godblessthatbaby!!!! He looks like he is being hugged happilly by that nice warm sweater.
Funny story, I have a friend, she would say how when her son was that age he had sweaters like that. Hes much much much bigger now, in fact he's now a grown man.
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