The wallet was last seen when he shoved it in his pocket to drive me to the Red Box to return Bolt. Don't ask, I didn't sit to watch it and TOF's attention span wasn't long either. So I couldn't tell you if it was a hit or not. Back to the wallet, I know he had it in the car because Whynot will never, ever drive without his license. E.V.E.R. He often likes to pull the "you drive I don't have my license" card on me while we're in the garage. So the wallet in question, which isn't even a real wallet, just a bunch of credit cards, some pictures and his license all wrapped up in a rubber band, was lost sometime AFTER the Red Box drop off. He didn't get out of the car at Walmart, so it had to be somewhere in the house or GASP, it fell out into the street when we got home. In which case some thug already picked it up and is having a great time shopping for electronics and all the things I wish I had, if I had the luxury of shopping with Whynot's high limit credit cards.
I searched this house from floor to ceiling twice! I even sort of dug through the garbage while holding back that gaggy feeling. I have tactile issues, that was enough to put me over the edge. I WAS STRESSED! It didn't help that Whynot called 47 times and even stopped home once before heading out on his route. When I'm stressed I eat. Which explains the large pants, which stresses me out even more!
As someone who loves to eat, I'm always looking out for great recipes. Do you like to cook and bake? Well if you do, The 44th Pillsbury Bake-Off Contest is looking for you. You can enter your best recipe in the contest for a chance at the $1 million prize.

One hundred finalists will win a trip to the finals, April 11 - 13, 2010, at the Waldorf-Astoria Orlando and Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek hotel in Florida.
Pillsbury is looking for original recipes that taste and look delicious, are easy to prepare and that families across America will love to eat. There are four recipe categories - Breakfast & Brunches, Entertaining Appetizers, Dinner Made Easy and Sweet Treats.
Entries are being accepted online now through April 20th, so hurry over. You can find out more details about the contest here. Be sure to get your recipe in, and good luck.
Oh the wallet? Oh yeah, we found it, strategically placed behind the printer. So now the questions are "Is Whynot senile?", "Is Whynot trying to drive ME insane?", or "Is this a bigger conspiracy, involving a 3 yr old, who's trying to make us both look nuts?"
Oh, I go with the three year old. Miss Peach took my keys, it took me forever to find them! They are crafty little things...
Good that you found the wallet.. You know what.. some days back i left my cell phone in the cab... I feel so lousy..
Well if it was behind the printer it has to be a conspiracy. Has to be.
The Blue Ridge Gal
LOL, I'm sorry, but I can't help to giggle a little at how it went from blog story about the wallet to, let me take a moment for this commercial, back to blog story.
You're too cute!
Well I'm glad the wallet was found.. regardless of who is screwing with you. It just might be hidden camera time ;-)
FIRST: After we left you Saturday, we went on the boat. After a while, I noticed my purse was gone! I, old, RAN from one end of the boat back to the other end of the boat. I told Joe "WATCH MY MACHINE! I'VE LOST MY PURSE!"
While trying to force a guard to come out of his cage and deal with the problem (he wouldn't come out) I looked back and saw Joe, STANDING BEHIND ME!!
So, I RAN across the boat back to my machine. Thank GOD it still had my $100 in it and no one had seen it!!!!!
Then I remembered.......I hadn't even TAKEN my purse because I was more interested in meeting YOU that day.
oh man, my husband is constantly looking for his keys or his ipod or his ballcap. WTF??? Put the darn things in the same spot every time and they'll be there for you EVERY TIME. UGH! Makes me want to scream when he walks into the room and asks, "Hey, have you seen my keys (hat, ipod)?" aughhh!
I vote that it's the three year old. having one myself, I can tell you that they are quite mischievous.
I am for the 3 year old explantion. My one year old grand daughter took our remote home after she walked around with it to her ear saying, "hello?". I had to turn the volume up and down manually for a whole week. It was excruciating none the less.
I vote for the 3 year old. And my hubby is right now wishing we had a 3 year old he could blame his senility on. I bought him a valet a few months ago though and that has helped. He knows his cell phones and wallet and keys better be there when I walk by or he's a dead man. He also knows he better not call me when I'm more than 5 miles from home to come let him in cause he lost his keys again. So at least he's learning some valuable lessons.
Glad you found the wallet. Good job TOF.
My husband is like that too. I don't know how he actually survived this long.
I am thinking the three year old!! lol. We have one of those too.
I'm voting for the conspiracy involving the 3 year old! Sounds like something that would go down at my house!
As for the bake-off?! I will happily sit by the sidelines and wait for all the talented folks to do their thing, and then I'll swoop in and copy their recipes :)
You are hilarious. I do feel bad for your stressful day...I HATE missing items.
I had planned on entering the Pilsbury bake off, but have not gotten my recipe together! I think I am going to have to wait. Are you entering? If so, you better share your recipe!
My hubby is the exact same way - which is one of the reasons I refer to him as the 'Absent Minded Professor'. ;)
Yikes -- glad you found the wallet, but now you have the mystery of figuring out how it got there in the first place!
And the bakeoff? I need to enter that one just for fun :)
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