Thursday, April 30, 2009

All is Not Swine

Quick put this, on I'm still sick!

Blog quarantined until further notice.

Here's a glimpse into my day...

...sicker than a dog.

I've included some handy items just in case you're affected.

And when you're feeling all better clean up after yourself,

and dispose of it properly.

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Debz said...

I really do hope you get better soon. Really, really...

Oh hey! Guess what!? I used, for the first time, one of my gift certificates from last night. Hubby and I went to this seafood place and truth be told, I was scared they were gonna come up with some reason I couldn't use it. But all was well.
And I had a great seafood dinner that for $60 only cost me $35! AWESOME!!!!
Thanks so much for that hook-up!!

Julie D said...

:::donning mask before commenting::::

Oh yuck! Feel better soon!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Just bought our masks yesterday... Wal-Mart was completely sold out btw.... A mad rush for masks evidently.. time to buy mask stock??

The Blue Ridge Gal

jill jill bo bill said...

Get better!! Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is worse than puking.

Letti said...

These pictures make me laugh but I really hope you get better soon.

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

*gag* Just the thought sends me over the edge. Feel better soon!

Leah said...


Betsy Hart said...

Pooy! I hope you are feeling better soon. Being sick is no fun, and throwing up sick is the worst!

AutoSysGene said...

Feel better soon! Thanks for not sharing your cooties! :)

Kathy B! said...

Poor MRM. I hope you are feeling better soon...

Lola said...

You didn't infect all of us at the meet-up did you?

J/K. Hope you're feeling better soon. Take care!

Donna said...

I love that dog picture. It looks like my dog.

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Ohh man, get better, will ya!?!

I hate wearing latex.

Anonymous said...

The dog is hilarious!

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