Saturday, April 18, 2009

New Picture Challenge

Yesterday we had a blip on penis enlargement, today......who wants to see a picture of my pussy?

Here it is, all hairy and sprawled out for you.

Dead silence? Or maybe that was the sound of the unsubscribe button?

People come on, get your minds and the rest of you outta the gutter, this is a family blog. Well sort of, with a few f-bombs dropped for good measure. Did ya really think? Oh hell no. Kate and Whynot are the only 2 people privy to see that! No no no, you're in the wrong place if that's what you're looking for. Try looking behind the green door to your left.

The picture is of my pussy(cat) Ringer. Doesn't he look all comfy, sound asleep in the sunshine on my patio. This was taken in April of 2008. Do you have a picture to share from April last year? Click the logo below and sign up with Mr Linky.

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12 comments: said...

OOOoo, naughty you!!! I was so curious as to whether you'd really go there. LOL

Leah said...

you are so funny!

Betsy Hart said...

ROFL!! Love it!!

Stacy Uncorked said...

ROTFLMAO! Seriously funny... ;)

Laura Marchant said...

lol, too funny!

Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

Too funny!

Jenny said...


Kathy B! said...

That's your pussy?! That's what I looked like this morning lounging in the spring sun as it shone through the window, too! hmph. Wonder what that means?!

Deb said...

I love your pussy.

I haven't been by in a while...crazy busy with school, but here I am now!! Missed you!

Unknown said...

I'm just gonna say that's one pretty "kitty" and leave it at that, k? : )

Anonymous said...

Provocative and funny..who knew.

kathryn said...

Awww, that's what my Azi looks like!

Thanks for stopping by {and for the good laugh!}.

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