Wednesday, April 29, 2009

It's a Swine Day on the Avenue

I have a new profile picture, check it out below.

The blog is closed while I sing praises to the porcelain god. My poor buddy, TOF, is at home sick with his Dahdeee today. So Mema has a day off and I am headed back to bed with 2 phones, 2 remotes and a heating pad. Ahh this is the life!


Be sure to check out my giveaway for Florastor Kids probiotics.

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13 comments: said...

I hope you're feeling better soon. Do you seriously have Swine Flu?

Laura Marchant said...

Wait do you really have that crazy swine flu, lol? I am so confused.

Meghan said...

Feel better sista!

Kathy B! said...

That just sucks. I'm so sorry MRM. Call upon you royal staff to bring you the things you need and take care of you ;)

Driftwood and Pumpkin said...

NOOOOO! You don't really have it, do you?!?

We got a letter home from school today with signs and symptoms!

jill jill bo bill said...

If you start rooting for food in the ground, you should really be concerned. Get better!!!! We have a confirmed case here and I have just been banned from seeing patients. Dern it....I am so sad I can't work..........

Cajoh said...

I'm sure everybody who feels a bit under the weather thinks they have the swine flu… wouldn't you rather have the bird flu and tweet your status to all who twitter.

Dawn said...

It's scary!!!!

But, that's a cute little swine!

I hope you feel better soon. =)

Debz said...

Oh no sweetie!! I hope you get to feeling better soon. But if you start snorting, I'd get to the ER pronto.

Jenni said...

I told you NOT to kiss that pig...

(feel better!)

Cheryl Lage said...

Oh Darlin;, Feel better!

*lynne* said...

Ah that porcelain god (or goddess) can be quite the irate entity at times; here's wishing your praises are no longer needed to be sung!

Hope you feel better soon, and that it's NOT the oink oink flu!

Lucy Filet said...

Sorry. To hear that you're not well. Get better!

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