Thursday, April 2, 2009

demons be gone

Well I need to snap myself outta this funk and fast. I'm losing readers left and right. Thanks so much UN FOLLOWERS, kick a girl when she's down. Pfft whatever, your day will come and when it does, don't come crying to me. I'll just remind you of your never ending support of me in my darkest hours and um, yeah, laugh in your face and maybe even top it off with a big ole fuck to the you. Sigh, just lost 1/2 a dozen more Christian readers. Sorry, I yam what I yam.

Those of you kind enough to pat my hand and say "there there" as I sat sniveling away uncontrollably day after day, THANK YOU! You were a tremendous help in getting me to put my big girl panties back on and move forward.

Okie dokie, the pity party is officially over, for now. The situation is still pretty much the same, but in reality it's mostly out of my control and although it still makes me so very sad, I never could and never will make anyone love me. I yam what I yam people.

Now onto to official bees nests.

Yesterday I purchased a brand new M-F WAHM Spring/Summer wardrobe for under $100 including shipping from Woman Within. Yeah it's no Nordstrom's but it will definitely serve the purpose. I need comfy. I need stretchy. I need something that won't make me cry if I snag it on playground equipment. I need easy to clean. I need cheap. My under $100 bought 2 pairs of yoga pants, 6 pairs of gym shorts and 5 no frills t-shirts. The sale has been extended through today, so if you're looking for something, head over to Woman Within and use promo code WW32436.

See!? I must be feeling better, I just admitted to everyone that I shop at a fat women's online store.

Not fat, or just still in denial.....ok try Kohl's and use code APRTAKE30 for 30% off your order, try MVC7926 for free shipping, but I think both codes are for Kohl's credit card holders.

I have TGIF coupons. Can you see these? Can you print em? If not email me, I'll send them to you.

And finally, for the love of all things bloggy and so JULIE REEG stops crying and moaning, please visit her tomorrow and wish her a Happy Blogoversary. There is extra credit involved and I will not disappoint.


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Unknown said...

hang in there and big middle finger to those who "unfollowed"

we all have our funks!

Patricia Rockwell said...

Do people actually "unfollow" someone? I thought it was more like the way they count people on the "feeds" which isn't really individual people as best as I can figure out. I mean this is the Internet, isn't it more an aggregation of sorts. I wouldn't worry so much. My followers list goes up AND down, all the time.

Together We Save said...

Do people really stop following? Oh well i don't have enough to know. Thanks for the info on the discount codes.

Anne said...

I'm glad you're out of your funk! Thanks for those coupons - I LOVE TGI Fridays!! :)

Undomesticated said...

Just wanted to say that the first paragraph made you my hero for today! :) said...

Wow! Looks like they have some pretty good bargains! Thanks for the heads up. Glad to hear that you're feeling lots better. Don't sweat those who unfollowed. Their loss!!

Unknown said...

Glad to hear you are working through the funk...we all have them! Life simply marches on!
Thanks for the coupons!
(I'm so much in love with Popeye, I married a sailor)

Debz said...

I didn't "un" follow!!! I'm still here!

I do, however, refuse to wear big girl panties. Not gonna go there.

Glad to see your somewhat out of your funk, now go wash up, your starting to stink. MUAH!

Kim said...

I love Woman Within!!! I just ordered from there not long ago!

(((Hugs to you)))

jill jill bo bill said...

So glad you are feeling better. I was really hoping you would bring chips or dip to the party. I am still here in the corner.
I lost a follower as well. Know I am here if you need a skewed opinion. LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Michelle said...

Oooo I love the Fridays coupons. Of course I never eat there because there are none near me, but it sounds yummy right now. And I need to hit up Kohl's. I was just looking at my olllllllldddddddd clothes thinking that some really need replacing :)

Cheryl Lage said...

Hey MegRyansMom! Don't be depressed! I am FULLY convinced there's been some programmng mischief (or as I bet they'd describe it "upgrading") going on at Blogger. MANY of the blogs I had been actively following I realized "vanished" from the blogroll I rely on for updated recently hints. Alas, coming to yours (which I DID follow and did not act to "unfollow") apparently I'd been removed due to no action of my own! (and the same happened with others of my faves.) I am BACK, and betting others are experiencing the same.

No tears! :)

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to stop by and tell you how gorgeous you look in your profile picture. ;0)

Have a great weekend!

Julie D said...

I didn't unfollow either! Thanks for the shout out, now I can stop whining. :::smooch:::

Cynthia said...

I don't know what Woman Within I lame?

Betsy Hart said...

I would never Un follow you!! HUGS!! Glad you seem to be out of your funk though :)

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