Thursday, September 23, 2010

You Capture-Flowers

Welcome to my garden!

This is my funstruction crew! I don't think they are union carpenters and they certainly aren't legal to work yet!

You have to stretch your imagination with me today. These aren't full fledged flowers yet, they are my buds. Get it? Flowers, buds, buddies. Cut me some slack my stomach is doing flip flops and I am so tired. At any rate, these are my buds and with any luck, a whole lot of fertilizing and love they will bloom into the most beautiful flowers you've ever seen. And I the ever proud gardener Mema, will step back, admire my work and maybe the world will be a better place because I was important in the life of a flower child.

This post is part of Beth's ongoing series of beautiful photography, go check it out!

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Anonymous said...

very cute take on this week's theme.

tiarastantrums said...


Jen said...

I like your analogy. Very creative!

Unknown said...

I see you have a "green thumb" with those little "buds" of yours! Excellent "gardening" my friend! :D

Cranberry Morning said...

How fun. And what a sweet picture! :-)

Candra Georgi said...

funny, and i love how he is sitting on one toy working on another!

i took some of [dying] sunflowers, but really liked how they turned out.

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