Hehe, borrowed that from Cheryl, sort of, the ass hat part. But hey it's not copyrighted so I figure it's a free term to borrow. Quick post before I hop into the lukewarm first shower of the day on The Avenue. No idea why the water isn't HOT for me when I take my shower and Whynot gets all the nice water. No idea at all. It sucks. I am near renting a room at the hotel down the road just so I can take an hour long hot shower!! Any motels with offers feel free to contact me, I'll plug you right here on my blog and be eternally grateful.
But yeah, that's not my news. My news is.......

Yes siree, Augie Dawgs is having another BOY!
Yeah, sadly there is no pink for us this time, but I'm ok with it. I seriously thought I would cry, but I'm ok. Two boys, "the boys", "my boys", these are my "grandsons" Yeah I'm liking it. Boys can push lawn mowers for their feeble grandparents and do odd jobs around the house and stuff like that.
Brothers that can share a room with bunk beds and wrestle and be best friends. They have a built in best man. A drinking buddie. Whoa, stop me, I'm letting them grow up.
So there you have it, my big news. Now I can shower and you can all resume whatever it was you were doing, but leave some love on your way out and close the bathroom door, it's friggin cold in here!
It's FRIDAY!!!!!!
WOO-HOO!!! A BOY!!! That's awesome MRM!
I remember how excited I was to find out ours was a girl, after having NONE in the family, but boys?!?! Well you can be way more rough and tumble with them! They love to climb trees, spit and run! Boy do they love to run!
Congrats to all of you!!!
can they have one for me next time? just check with them, they may say yes, you don't know.
Congrats! You'll be so in love with that little guy you'll forget all about pink.
Congratulations. We just found out were having another grandson too. Due in September!!
That's wonderful, MRM! I'm so happy for you. We wished for a boy and now I'm glad we didn't get one. It's actually easier to have the herd be same sex :)
Congrats!! Just think though, NO girlie DRAMA. Just fist fights and then all is OK.
Aww, yay! And two boys is good because the hand me downs work that much better, too. I was honestly hoping Little Miss would be a boy. Until she came out a girl, of course!
Congratulations!!!! What exciting news!!
Boys ROCK! Congratulations, Rita!
Your boys give me hope for my girls finding a future husband! :) Congrats and Happy friday!!
Well well well!! A big congrats is in order!! Yay!!!
Holy shit! Congrats!!
Aw, you're gonna love it! Two boys are a lot of fun and all those positive things you listed are wonderful! Congrats! : )
I LOVE saying "the boys" or "my boys" or "Let's go boys" (or, lately, I say, "Let's go Gentlemen", because HEY, I can pretend they're well-mannered and refined...LOL!). It'll be great!
Congrats! As the mom of three boys, boys are pretty cool!
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