Thursday, April 21, 2011


 I can already hear how the conversation will go down at TC's next visit with the pediatrician:

Dr. B.:     Hi Ms. Augie Dawgs, Hi TC.  How's the big fella doing today?  Any new developments, concerns?  Is he talking up a storm, at least saying a few more words?

Augie Dawgs:     Oh he's fine, no problems, eating well, sleeping well.  Not really talking much, but he does say 'cheers' and clinks his glass with his brother at every meal.

Such a proud moment!  I'm doing my part to help prepare them for the Greek Life in college. 

Stay tuned for Beer Pong!

Stop by and see me in a black and white proud moment of my own at:
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Unknown said...

You're such a good Mema! ;-)

Lisa Noel said...

I think this is a right of passage for kids that age. ALL 3 of my boys did it too! said...

Cheers is a VERY important ability. Don't underestimate it.

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