Sunday, January 10, 2010

You Capture - Year in Review

Somethings are better late than never,
so here is my delayed contribution for this week's
You Capture.

The Year in Review

1-1-2009 NHL Winter Classic at Wrigley Field

I may be a city girl, but I know this is NOT
a ground hog that came to visit in February.

My guys doing chores in April.

In May we visited with the gang
from Sesame Street thanks to Nap Warden.

Washing GlitterGurl's PURPLE car in July.

August 2009 - TOF's 1st day of preschool

9-15-09 Weighing in at 10 pounds 3 oz, another grandson.

October brought Parker. He's GlitterGurl's Boston Terrier puppy,
a birthday gift from New Man. He's just over 2 pounds in this picture,
sleeping in a shoe box. If they could just stay little.

Wrapping this up with the last picture of the year.
Cheers to a wonderful 2010.

p.s. I haven't forgotten I still owe you the BIG NEWS. Monday, I promise!

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Frogmum said...

Love the men mowing - and what is that creature - we don't have those in the UK (I don't think!!). Cx

Michelle said...

Awwww, what a fun year! So glad you enjoyed it. And umm Schlitz? I love it. I forgot they made it, in fact!

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