Thursday, July 16, 2009

My Interview With Bernie Madoff

Today I'm snip, snip, snipping the quilt. It's all put together and I'm pleased, although no matter how careful I am my corners don't always seem to match up perfectly. Haha pun intended. It's ok, I'm learning to lower my standards, to lessen my disappointment. Pictures to follow.

Today, I was fortunate enough to score this brief interview with former financier and convicted felon Bernie Madoff.

I love you Thursday, every week without fail you bring me one day closer to Friday.

Enjoy the sunshine Peeps!

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Leah said...

LOL! I love the bit about Thursday... *grin*

sounds like the quilt is coming along nicely! I'll bet it's AWESOME! good luck with the final touches.

Kathy B! said...

Yes, Thursday is one of my favorite days of the week for just this reason.

And that cartoon? That's just sad. said...

Looking forward to the pictures of the quilt. I like Thursdays too for that very same reason.

Betsy Hart said...


Stacy Uncorked said...

LOL! Love it!!

And I'm SO looking forward to seeing pictures of the quilt when you're done...I bet it's turning out awesome! :)

Michelle said...

GREAT cartoon.

And Thursdays are ick right now... I still strongly prefer Fridays :) But I'm crabby after 10 hours of work, during which I ate breakfast, lunch and dinner while sitting in front of my computer toiling away without a break.

Together We Save said...

Can't wait to see the quilt. Love the comic.

That Janie Girl said...

Love the Madoff pick!

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