I'm going to slip out of character for a bit, hahaha and go a little "Mean Girl" on you...... Presenting! Lord Helmet. Yes, believe it or not, this is what Whynot left for me.
Augie Dawgs with her Aunt Kaffee, TOF and Lord Helmet. Kaffee and Helmet are sisters. I'll just leave it at that.
Could I have a more cheesy mouse face? Blogher '09 attendees take note, the lonely woman you see in the corner, quite possibly wearing THAT shirt, because I have a limited wardrobe, might very well be ME! Please, for the love of God, come over and say hi so I don't feel like a big dork all day. My busy social calendar only allows me to attend on Sat, so plan accordingly.
Durwood's Grandmother, me and TOF, Durwood's Mother and Lord Helmet. No hatchets were buried in this house of Thomas Kincaid overload.
Now some pictures of the quilt. I work well under pressure and amazingly completed it with a little time to spare.
Snipping the quilt. Holy hell Batman, my hand STILL hurts and I have a ginormous blister on my ringer finger!
I LOVE that blanket!!!!!
All joking aside, I love that quilt! The fraying was so worth all that snipping.
Now... Lord Helmet? Somebody chose poorly. That's ALL I'm saying.
Looks like you had a blast.. Love the pictures
blanket looks great!
ha, lord helmet.
my first hubby left me for a real nasty person too, I'd post her ugliness on my blog and be all mean girl too! ;)
I love the quilt! So, have you started on TOF's yet?
I'm so jealous you're going to blogher.
Great quilt.
Btw, anyone who wears a house dress to a shower deserves to have everyone go "mean girls" on her.
That blanket looks amazing!!!
Durwood, seriously? I thought only may family used that weird name...it's a small world after all.
I am memorizing that shirt so I can spot you!
Love the blanket!
Wow, that was a great job with the quilt! Come find me on Saturday at BlogHer. I'll be there and definitely planning on having fun. Are you staying for parties afterwards? Glad you made it safely to the shower and back with no hatchets buried anywhere!
The quilt came out AMAZING! Love it!
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