Monday, April 23, 2012

Avon Walk

I grew a beard.

I sent a gajillion letters and emails and now it's getting down to the wire.

Tues April 24th will be 39 days before I walk 39 miles to fight breast cancer! Can you believe that? I walk in 39 days!! And I'm still falling short of my goal.  I pledged to raise $1800 for breast cancer and if I don't reach my goal, sadly I'll have 2 choices, neither of which appeal to me.  

Now I'm turning on the begging mode...

So, I'm having a friendly competition with my teammates. Whoever can get the most funds between now and Friday April 27th will get a little prize =) 

I know, I know, whoop de doo!  I get a prize if you donate.  That stinks.

So here's what I propose to do!

Anyone who donates to me will be in a drawing for TWO admissions to Sky High Sports AND a $25 gift card and whatever prizes I find in the prize closet. Even if all you can spare is a dollar. It all adds up! So please, donate at least $1 if you can and tell everyone you know to donate $1 to my fundraising efforts as well! You can donate by clicking on the Avon logo above in the sidebar or the PayPal button also in the sidebar.

If every one of my subscribers donates just $1 that's over $500!  And if you tell a friend and they donate, that's $1000.  So basically, I'm asking you to donate and to get 2 of your friends to donate so that I reach my goal. 

It's a great cause and I think you might have that much in change in your couch cushions.

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