Thursday, February 11, 2010

You Capture - Work

Once upon a little while, ( that's how Glittergurl started every fairy tale when she was little) Megryansmom had a very glamorous decent job. She wore heels and makeup every day and spoke to adults. Then Prince Charming aka Whynot came along and encouraged her to stay home with her kids, then 9 and 6 and life was good. Sixteen years later we find our Princess still living in the lap of luxury. See for yourselves.

Every morning the alarm goes off and she stumbles out of bed.

She grabs a pile of this

and dumps it in this.

She feeds Baby Moose

and sweet, sweet Bella

then she scrubs this.

Her job involves A LOT of reading.

Lately she's been having to do this,
a job that she absolutely loathes

But at the end of the day if her co-workers look like this,
it's all been worth it.

Now go visit Beth and see the work that others have captured today.


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Jade @ Tasting Grace said...

How cute! I love your take on this post... wish I had such cute coworkers! ;)

Good morning to you too, by the way! Thanks for the hello and I hope things are going well for you!

Lisa @ Two Bears Farm said...

Cute take on the work of a mom :-)

Melissa said...

Cute post, your work day looks a lot like mine (minus the cute kids)

Bunch of Barrons said...

Our days sound alot alike! ;) Definitely worth is with co-workers like the ones we've got. :) Cute photos!

Unknown said...

i think i want to start saying "once upon a little while..."

too cute! and i love the shovel shot.

Chocolate Girl said...

Not a bad day's work, though!

Janine said...

LOL, It's a lot of work, but totally worth it right? :)

Lyndsay said...

Very cute. I hope everyone lived happily ever after!

Unknown said...

You do have some really cute co-workers! This stuff looks oddly familiar... ;-)

Saj said...

Love this post! What great co-workers you have!

Cathy said...

Love the whole you told the "work" story through a recap of your day. Despite the fatigue, the never ending laundry, I truly believe that there is no better 'work' than being a MOM!

Anonymous said...

That was very creative! I wish I'd have been a bit more creative. Oh well, there's always next week!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Love it! Your co-workers are adorable!

Unknown said...

Your job sounds alot like mine except my co-workers aren't as goodlooking.

Elizabeth said...

very cute coworkers...and I love the pile of books that your associate is looking at :-)!

Stacia said...

That alarm makes me groan, but I'd drag myself out of bed for a staff meeting with those sweet faces, too. =>

Rana said...

Great work day except for the 5:00am thing.

Upstatemamma said...

Yeah, luxury!! I live a totally luxurious life too. :) But it sure is worth it at the end of the day, isn't it?

T.J. said...

Ugh, 5am comes quickly each day! Fun post, but I don't understand why you can't still wear heels ;)

ps: I looked into the business to blogger- thanks for the tip

Anonymous said...

That is one full day! And I love the perspective of the shovel!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

this was brilliant creative !

Colleen said...

Gotta love those co-workers! I just remembered... I have to scrub my sink. Thanks for the reminder!

Courtney said...

while i wouldnt want to be shoveling everyday, i enjoy it a few times a year for the workout of it! i even wanted to do it a few weeks ago when we got 9 inches but apparently pregnant women are not suppose to do it!!

ahh i love these pics though, love the time line, so cute!!

Unknown said...

AWESOME!! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

You have an award over at my blog. :)

Anonymous said...

Your work day makes me very happy for MY work day: afghan, stretchy pants, a dog to cuddle and a place to rest my feet.

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