Today you are a week shy of your 21 month birthday. You look more like a three year old and you try so hard to keep up with your 5 year old brother. In just 3 months we'll be celebrating your 2nd birthday! Wow! It's so hard to believe.
You came into this world a big boy at 10 lbs and 3 oz and two months ago you weighed 32 lbs and were 36 1/2 inches long. You're going to be a tall boy, very tall. If I had to guess I'd say 6'5" like one of your uncles. You love to
You wear a size 5 diaper and mostly 3T clothes. Your shoes, when you choose to wear them are a size 9.
You're smart, so very smart. You don't have much to say, but you understand everything being said to you. A few days ago you said Mema, I heard it, but of course you haven't repeated it since. You give the biggest, sloppiest, wettest, most delicious kisses.
You're still a very good sleeper, now that we've moved you into the toddler bed. And as long as you have at least 3 binkies with you. One in your mouth and one for each hand. We'll worry about orthodontia later. Fortunately your parents have great insurance.
You climb like a monkey and I haven't found a gate yet to keep you in one spot and out of trouble. The latch on the back sliding door that I installed when your brother was a little over 2 is no match for you. You climb on top of the garbage can to release it and let yourself and the dogs into the yard. A light bulb went on and I purchased a $5 shower curtain rod to install between the doors. So far you haven't figured it out, but it's only been a few hours.
You love to splash in the kiddie pool and sprinkler and you had a great time at the water park on Memorial Day.
You're constantly on the move and have a bit of a stubborn streak. Recently you've been replying to our requests with a very emphatic NO. It's absolutely exhausting at times just to be around you! But I wouldn't trade one single minute of it. It's what keeps me getting out of bed every morning and keeps me on my toes. Because one day in the distant future I will dance with Pa at your wedding, but not before I watch you cross the stage at some prestigious university to receive your degree.
I love you my sweet, sticky boy!
What an adorable little person you get to call your grandson!
Oh, "no"!
As bad as the "no" phase, the "why?" phase is deadly. He LOOKS older, and I imagine he will end up being one of those young men in demand by us old people as in: "Hey, sonny, could you put this back together for us?" He will be brilliant.
What a darling photo!!! Don't those little people just make our hearts sing!
I can't believe he's just a little older than K!! And he only weighs 3 pounds less than my 4 year-old! HA! Such a cutie!! He will cherish your words to him someday... so sweet...
He's a heart melter for sure. He'll be the fix it or open it or tear it kid. Have fun with your TC.
Awww...he's absolutely beautiful! I can't wait until I'm a grandma.
What special times you have!
Aww, how sweet! He sounds like a boy version of my 1 1/2 year old girl :)
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