Thursday, March 18, 2010

You Capture - Reaching

I'll be REACHING for bigger jeans,

now that the Nutella jar is empty!

Join Beth to see who else is REACHING.


Psssst, as long as you're here - check out my giveaway.

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Jen said...

Oh, I love Nutella! I've resisted buying it as Costco. It comes intwo big jars for great price. Can you tell I'm tempted?

Julie said...

cute! Yes, I leave the nutella on the shelf. Too tempting once it's in my house :).

Unknown said...

Gosh that stuff is good!

Bunch of Barrons said...

haha...good stuff! Love your take on reaching.

Christy said...

I thought that I was the only one who shamelessly eats entire jars of Nutella.

We should start an intervention group.

T.J. said...

I just bought 2 jars of the stuff last month because with coupons it came to only 1.99 a a jar! Come on, how could I pass it up?!

Have you ever had Nutella cookies? I saw Giada make them on Food Network and had to try them. I have the recipe over on my blog (under recipes). Then again, maybe your like me and mostly prefer to eat it straight from the jar ;) said...

I've never tried nutella but it looks delicious. Do you make a sandwich with it? How do you eat it?

Anjie said...

Cute and creative take on "reaching". I like this photo a lot! :)
(Didn't get a pic for You Capture this week....gonna try to get something for next week).

Unknown said...

you are so funny!

Unknown said...

Ha-ha! My son just ate a whole jar of that yesterday!

Sabrina said...

Naughty reaching! Love that!

mrs mediocrity said...

hahaha great interpretation! nutella is the best!

Michelle said...

Yes, BUT at least that's the small jar. We buy them at Costco. In two packs. YUM. On pretzels, toast, apples, bananas, pancakes, bagels, ummmm pretty much everything!

Unknown said...

oh Nutella, how I love thee! I have to hide my jar of Nutella since it has a tendency to disappear really quickly (into my stomach). Come to think of it, I can go for some right now...

Lisa said...

I have to admit that I've never tried nutella, but I love your take on reaching. Great post.

Anonymous said...

O.K. Now that's just plain funny.

Alexis AKA MOM said...

LOL I love it! You crack me up :)

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