I was contacted by MomSelect to review the Reli On Temple Touch Thermometer and the timing couldn't have been more perfect. BECAUSE....we're having a NEW baby, if he ever decides to make an appearance. When he does we're going to be ready and waiting with our new and very handy gadget.

When your child is sick you want to check their temperature quickly and preferably in a non-invasive way. Gone are the days of rectal thermometers that were impossible to read in a dark nursery, not to mention the fact that you had to put it WHERE?
I do have an ear thermometer, but I must confess the little cell batteries died a long time ago and I can't ever remember all the little numbers and letters I need to replace them so it sits uselessly in the linen closet and I say things like, "hmm he feels a little warm to me."
The Temple Touch uses 2 AAA batteries, the same as the TV remote so I can always borrow them to take a reading and replace when done. It's super simple to use, takes only about SIX seconds for an accurate reading. It's non-invasive and you can use it while baby is sound asleep.
1. Press and release the POWER button.
2. Unit will beep twice when ready.
3. Hold firmly to temple, wait for next beep.
4. Read results.
That's it! Easy Peasey!
The Reli On Thermometer retails for $9.94 and is only available at Walmart and Sam's Club.
Just leave me a comment telling me what it is you do to make your child extra comfy when they are sick. Make sure you leave an email so I can find you.
Earn ONE extra entry for EACH of the following:
1. Follow my blog
2. Follow me on Twitter
3. Tweet about this giveaway
This giveaway will end September 14th. Contest is open to US residents only.
I currently have NO thermometer, so I hope I win this one :)
And I follow you here, there and everywhere already... you have to make bigger hoops for me to jump through, MRM. And don't you dare make a crack about the size of my butt.
My daughter is sick and so is my grandson. She called me yesterday morning and asked me to come get the baby so she could get some sleep.
Let me tell ya, I didn't remember how demanding a sick 6 month old can be. I remember now!
Oh we so need a better thermometer. The one we have takes forEVER to read -- even I get annoyed if I'm taking my own temperature on the rare occasion that I get sick! What a neat idea to do it non-invasively. I'm not a fan of the ear ones because you have to have the new ear caps EACH time, and that seems like such a waste to me. Love it!
Oh, and I follow you of course :)
I always cuddle with my son when he's sick. Hmm maybe that's why i always catch what he has. Dang!
I follow you. Don't know if that's really good for you. LOL
Oh and I follow you on Twitter. I'm annoying like that.
You know, when the boys get sick, neither wants to cuddle (must be a boy thing) but I try to give them a space that is extra snuggly for themselves - lots of pillows, blankets and other comfort items. And ginger ale...I don't know why but whatever ails them, ginger ale helps out immensely!
I always use the "hmm he feels a little warm to me" method too. Then when he feels hot enough that I could burn off my finger prints touching his head, I look for the thermometer. Which of course is NEVER in the last place I put it. AND of course it's the old fashioned-y ones. All this new fangled technology - lol.
I follow you.
I follow you on twitter.
And when I leave here I'm gonna have a drink. Er, I mean I'm gonna tweet this contest. Yeah, that's what I meant.
When my kids are sick I let them relax on the couch, watch cartoons, and I give em lots of extra snuggles.
I follow your blog already
I also follow you on twitter!
I remember the days of the rectal thermometer and my baby. Of course that was 40 years ago. SO I guess my memory isn't as bad as I thought.
Oh Rita this is so cool...well to make my childrens more comfy they have a bell when they are sick they ring it and i come running-just ask deb she knows...anyways if I won this I would so give this to daddy-he can not hear a lil beep beep thermom and he cant read an old fashioned one so with his chemo starting back up and the risk of his temp spiking this is the perfect item for him...
I had no idea they made stuff like this
so cool
With Kiel it is lots of cuddling and the boob.
With Noah, he's actually the most enjoyable when he has a fever, because he's down to a "normal" energy level. Yes, I really said that. He's rarely sick though, and the few times that he has been in the last year I've taken him to work with me, which he loves! He thinks he's hot shit when he gets to sit at the conference table with me at a meeting.
I follow you on Twitter!
I follow your blog!
My thermometer is like 7 years old.... do they expire? I guess I could use a new one, no?
Okay this is your grandkid on the way yes??
And hmmm make them comfortable.. I hold them what else is there!? Oh Ice Cream you say..? Well yes there's that. I've offered Tea before and they think I'm crazy... the oldest will take some peppermint tea but only if it comes with extra (as in half the cup) of honey. :)
Oh, I hope I'm not too late. My daughter is expecting her 2nd in a few weeks, and that thermometer sounds like a must-have!! What I do to make a sick litte one feel better is rubs Vicks on their chest, and tell them I'm rubbing on the love!!
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